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ngoomieidk if it'd be possible to have a 3-way split for gender distribution tho
NyraKyteprolly cuz scavanger related, feasting on bones etc
NixcelpixJust waking up
TheNewKingBrethow are you doing today nix?
Icymoss690 starters, nice
ngoomiemon species that's sexually dimorphic and has a very slim chance of being marked "sexless" and having a unique form that's a blend of both male and female
Kyurihti meanĂ¹
Tripb85why can mandibuzz learn bone rush
NyraKytetho, id love the idea of just, landing in johto and suddenly all your mons are shiny lol
ngoomiei wonder if you could implement that somehow in pokengine
ngoomierandom but have you guys ever seen intersex animals that come from species with high sexual dimorphism (like colourwise) where they also visually look like a blend of either sex -- a famous example i've seen a few times is butterflies or moths with one wing that looks like a male of the species but another wing that looks like a female of the species
NyraKyteId find it to be the radio thingy having an effect that only affects shiny mons. that triggers something in them. Rather than outright, suddenly im sparkly
NixcelpixOMG Hello KingBret!
NyraKyteCouldnt it be used to introduce more shinies.
TheNewKingBretit effected the dna of some mons but yea
Icymossyo yo yo
NixcelpixHello everyone o/
TheNewKingBretyou dont need radio for the effect to connection. the only problem with the theory we dont know how far is goes the single itself
NyraKyteSo the theory is the radio tower broadcasts something that alters a mons colors?
Tripb85bc there was no radio stations in other regions
Tripb85that wouldnt effect pokemon outside of johto though
TheNewKingBretthe radio is on all tho the game and red gyardos
TheNewKingBretthe radio tower event.
ngoomiewould be neat to finish it AND transfer those mons into a later game
ngoomietechnically my first ever pokemon game was gold, when i was in like grade 2 i'd go hang out at my ma's office after school for a few hours and they had a GBA with some GB(C) games in the breakroom and gold was one of them, but ofc never finished it lol
NyraKytebut, how is the theory that rocket created shiny mons?
RezzyTheGameris one of the ages behind the monstrosity?
ngoomiei've only gotten to transfer mons thru White -> Y -> Moon through normal means
TheNewKingBretfrlg and lgpe is retelling of the gen 1 games
ngoomiealso Kyuriht that reminds me i've been wanting to do a big playthrough of as many pkmn games as possible where i use something like pkhex to transfer my older mons up into later games
NyraKytejust cuz they introduced a mechanic to a later version, doesnt mean it cant canonically be true in prior gens
TheNewKingBretwhat game they traster are past gen 2
Kyurihtso they probably "always were" we just did not know
Tripb85so that theory isnt totally out of the question
Tripb85and shinies exist in frlg and lgpe
ngoomiesome legendary mons probably have crazy abilities to do rayquaza like stop a bullet in its tracks, like just freeze it in mid air
Kyurihtbecause some gen 1 mons transfered to other games can become shiny
TheNewKingBretwell but gen 1 shiny can only be shiny in gen 2 games
PG55who would win: all non-legendary mons or all humans (with guns)?
Kyurihti mean, it's true
Tripb85we just wouldnt know since theres no color
Tripb85for all we know shinys probably existed in gen 1
TheNewKingBretlore wise shiny only became a thing in gen 2
Tripb85hey shiny sneasler looks amazing
PG55and shiny GOD
Kyurihttime travel was shown to be possible in the pkmn universe tbh
TheNewKingBretthat marketing
NyraKytehow would rocket go about making shiny mons?
PG55and shiny sneasler
Tripb85what do they look like
PG55and shiny weirdeer
PG55and shiny enamorus
PG55how do you explain shiny ovequill?
TheNewKingBretmade shiny mons
ngoomiei've actually always thought tbh that since people have such a close relationship with many types of pokemon and high amounts of reverence for p much any type of pokemon, that in-world culture surrounding meat consumption would probably be pretty interesting
TheNewKingBreti my fav theory is team rocket mad shiny mons
NyraKytewasnt johto about rocket trying to monopolize slowpoke tail
Tripb85who would win legend plate arceus or grand zeno
PG55faefetch'd was so good it almost went extinct
TheNewKingBretit has avatars
TheNewKingBretarceus i have no true form so idk
ngoomiealso isn't slowpoke tail depicted as being eaten in the pokemon series a lot
Tripb85lmao llama god
NyraKytei dont think it goes either way. all items disappear in global pc imsure
PG55a llama
Tripb85like what animal
ngoomiethat's what i was thinking i'd try yea
Tripb85what even is arceus
Tripb85ngoomie you might be able to make a mon hold an item then transfer it with global pc
PG55imagine a god steak
PG55Arceus should be tasty
Tripb85imagine a steak
NyraKyteprolly miltank or mons of that nature.
ngoomiebtw ive been meaning to ask, is there any way to bring items earned in a region back to the hub world? ik you can't do the inverse of bringing hub items to regions
TheNewKingBretice cream of the bread dog?
PG55which pokemon do you think tastes the best (perfectly cooked and seasoned)?
Tripb85hi back im tripb85
TheNewKingBretwelcome back
PG55im back
Tripb85then literally like 2 days later i find a shiny staravia
TheNewKingBreti hate to have to pay to even use some of shiny mons in the main games so i dont anymore
Tripb85W trade ngl
Tripb85i evolved it and eventually traded it for a shiny alakazam
NyraKytemy first ever shiny was a magikarp. :< smadge
ngoomiewhite was the first pokemon game i actually extensively played and i don't believe i ever found a shiny there
Tripb85my first shiny ever was a shiny silcoon in eterna forest in bdsp
TheNewKingBretstop at gen 9
ngoomieW all around