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OutragousCake, TheNewKingBret, Renne, wheresandshrew, Jext ★, legixtm, Enter_Nam, YohKai, Mirura, TitoCapito, Flamingsundragon, Rhazzy, Sirnef, MaskedWebyn64, Raynard, holyD, Primal, Lokyubs, Kazaam1, Yonderdz, angstyx, Sincubus, AzTech, ShadowKrimson, Alro, mouwuma, sun1135858285, Rking, tetrislicious, nagesaki, flutter_mage, Alcreamie_enthusias, starbright0320, Lallinger, ngoomie, Boneasaurus, samwichconlimon, archen11, LuluNights, Fr0zen, TerraNightgale, DragonKingJL, RawRie, DaddyGean
TheNewKingBretif need anything feel free to ask
Aman200726I'm here
TheNewKingBretbut not all of them are done
xTheOkatan2how many regions do we have?
Herii123I discovered that I can ask permission or give credit to owner to get certain pokémon and also trainer sprites that's so cool
Aman200726Of borovia right?
TheNewKingBretmeet me at the starting area
Aman200726Trade please
TheNewKingBretit best found on the top of the hill
TheNewKingBretyea i can trade one tho if need it
Aman200726Guys is trawlossus rare
NixcelpixTell me and I'm going to the Effort Island
NixcelpixSure, No problem
TheNewKingBretnvm someone else going help later but i can go shiny wiglett with you for like a hour
TheNewKingBretcan i get you help with something in a bit?
Skunkmonkits been popping off lately
ngoomieand N64 emulation seems to have come a long way since then
ngoomie2013 or so
ngoomiei'd bet you can cos last i looked into it was in like
SkunkmonkI should look into that
NixcelpixHmmm, Maybe something different, i tried to still hunt Alolan Grimer and Wiglett
SkunkmonkI wondr if you can emulate it now with just a pc microphone
TheNewKingBretwhat you up to?
NixcelpixI'm here now in the PC don't worry
NixcelpixDon't worry i finish
ngoomieseaman too, that was one i more recently looked into and found out that it, too, does not work properly in any extant dreamcast emus
TheNewKingBretohh nvm keep eating your breakfa=st
ngoomiei should look into it again
ngoomieN64 was a bit before my time, and by the time i found out abt hey you pikachu and figured out some of how emulation works, i think hey you pikachu didn't work right in the emulators available at the time
NixcelpixI'm here KingBret
NixcelpixI'm back aaa i was eating breakfast
SkunkmonkI didnt have the little microphone attachment
Skunkmonkme tooo
JadeofSeasdigimon has evolved from that but that was og digimon
ngoomiei've always wanted to Skunkmonk
SkunkmonkYou guys ever play hey you pikachu?
JadeofSeasand the thing that made it different was... fights
SkunkmonkI never played it
JadeofSeascause digimon was originally just boy tamagatchi
archen11there was a pocket pikachu back during gsc
JadeofSeasi- that was..okay poor joke
Skunkmonkif you add battles you get pokemon? lol
TheNewKingBretnix your on?
JadeofSeasif you add battles you get digimon
ngoomiei should get batteries for my old tamagotchis
ngoomieyeah p much what i'm wanting
Skunkmonk@ngoomie then someone could make a mod that lets you battle with your pets
JadeofSeasthat sounds like tamagatchis kinda but i get what you mean
ngoomiei think it would go hard
ngoomiepokemon amie and etc on steroids
ngoomiei wish game freak would make a pokemon game that's just like a pet game and nothing else
ngoomiedamn metronome isn't implemented :pensive:
SquareRootOfPotatoshiny rotpot!
Rayweni found 3 in my playthorugh i think. Probably a bit rarer than others
Kyurihti wanted to shiny hunt mightiro but i realized i'd rather do it later lol, i'll catch it and find it in the other map .-.
Aman200726I know that, but thanks
NyraKyteoh yeah he is pretty rare, prolly between 5-10% id guess. maybe even less. idk
FoxMan_FFYou can find it in the bedroom where all the discarded clothes and stuffed toys are.
Aman200726Iam here for like 10 mins and still haven't seen it
NyraKytehavent tried lately sorry
Raywenno not really
Aman200726Hey guy's anyone else had a rough time catching cushimera
NyraKytehe got the dragon in him soul
Kyurihtdragon pulse is just aura sphere but blue and quirky
NyraKyteyeah. true. it makes sense in the show/manga stuff. but in the game its like... bone rush is just a move of a mon with a bone to pummel them. lol
Kyurihtto be fair, he probly changes aura sphere, maybe all his ranged attacks are just aura sphere reskinned lol
NyraKyteNintendo, Fix plox Dx
NyraKyteyeah, should have his own version, cuz, its weird that he can create something with his aura, and also alter its typing to ground. to match Bone rush. when he cant change Aura sphere to another type :O
Kyurihtwould be cool
Kyurihtthey could do an "aura strike" move, aura sphere but physical, effectively a lucario only move and can be any weapon i guess
NyraKyteyeha, that what I mean, I love it. an energy created bo staff looking weapon. love it. but, its weird how limiting bone rush move is
Kyurihtbut he's the only dog with aura shaping powers
Tripb85lucario learning bone rush doesnt really make sense but its super cool though
Kyurihtjust decides not to
NyraKyteBut hes not the only dog mon.
Kyurihtalso can probably make aura swords too
ngoomiei somehow always forget lucario is a dog
Kyurihtbecause it's a dog?
NyraKyteid think it more weird lucario can learn it. because he can shape energy into a bone. why a bone, not a sword.  :O
Kyurihtthe bone on their head i guess
TheNewKingBretwell good morning to you