Aulzen reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 1h ago.
Caught: 56
Seen: 77
Flamingsundragon reached the Hall of Fame in Retro Kanto 2h ago.
Caught: 113
Seen: 138
PatchOfHope reached the Hall of Fame in Easter Island 5h ago.
Caught: 45
Seen: 67
JT45 reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 7h ago.
Caught: 71
Seen: 83
insurgingarc reached the Hall of Fame in Retro Kanto 9h ago.
Caught: 30
Seen: 118
ChaleChamaco reached the Hall of Fame in Harsholme 14h ago.
Caught: 55
Seen: 67
Neogothic reached the Hall of Fame in Retro Kanto 18h ago.
Caught: 125
Seen: 143
bernn65 reached the Hall of Fame in Easter Island 19h ago.
Caught: 56
Seen: 73
Holki reached the Hall of Fame in Retro Kanto 21h ago.
Caught: 55
Seen: 133
Osyne reached the Hall of Fame in Easter Island 1d ago.
Caught: 29
Seen: 69