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TheNewKingBreti hope shiny odds incease with breeding
NixcelpixCongrats Kiwi!
MajorKiwiCaught it!
NixcelpixMegas Win over Day Care/Move Tutor/Others
ngoomiegood to know though
NixcelpixNot yet
ngoomieare there any places to breed pokemon in any region or nay
TheNewKingBretlet gooooooooooooooooooo
ZeroStarKaialready? damn
NixcelpixCongrats Kiwi!
MajorKiwiYooo shiny kriketot
TheNewKingBretVC? im good
RezzyTheGameranyone wanna join vc?
MajorKiwiHello there
Raywenit's like an extender that you can plug your ethernet in. There is a second box that you than plug into any socket. You will than have better connection when you plug a lan court in
ngoomiewith ethernet though now i get the best connection anyways har har
ngoomieit's wack because i'm actually right beside the wifi blaster so you'd think i'd get a good connection but mine was always worse than anyone else's in the house
NixcelpixFirst time hearing of it
NixcelpixMagicLan? :o
Rayweni have one of these magicLan thingis. Works pretty well
NixcelpixI'm with ethernet conencted at it, and sometimes disconnect me
ngoomiei ended up having to connect an ethernet cable to get stable internet
JadeofSeasYell at it? /j
Nixcelpixhappen to me*
NixcelpixHappen me sometimes
FoxMan_FFFun fact: I actually bought a Wifi extender which has helped my connection significantly. Don't know why I keep getting randomly bumped out today, though
ZeroStarKaigood old percussive maintenance
ngoomieintimidating technology always fixes it
ngoomiebeating up foxman's router posthaste
NixcelpixYou Ok FoxMan? Maybe check the internet connection? D:
FoxMan_FFI keep getting disconnected from the server while I'm hatching eggs.
NixcelpixIf i get any shiny, want to hunt the Shiny Aron?
ngoomiei heard 2018 but i'm not super certain about that either lol
✏JaneJewelCould be wrong.
✏JaneJewelIn this latest version... 2017 I think?
NixcelpixLong time ago TheOkatan
ZeroStarKaiback in 2006
xTheOkatan2when did this game come out b tw
FoxMan_FFIt can't learn any moves but hatches with a random assortment of moves to use
FoxMan_FFOkay, Easter Island Smeargle is a REALLY cool concept!
NixcelpixAt least in game
TheNewKingBretwhat times is for you?
NixcelpixHahaha yeah, i understand it
TheNewKingBretthat the only thing i want here lol
NixcelpixShiny Aron is really cool!
TheNewKingBretI would like a shiny aron
NixcelpixI want to get at least all the Living Shiny Dex of Effort Island, will take time, a long time i guess
NixcelpixYeah haha...
TheNewKingBreti see how you got most of your new shinys lol
jd_123_45for me to explore
jd_123_45I just started there are a lot more regions
ZeroStarKaihoenn's unfinished though
jd_123_45anyway thanks man
jd_123_45Even story events?
jd_123_45that is cool
ZeroStarKaievery region is practically a different game
jd_123_45it is just to getnw pokemon
jd_123_45Guys I am new to this game,but is each region its own story
TheNewKingBrettake your time
TheNewKingBretat effect island
TheNewKingBretsame to you :3
ZeroStarKaigood luck
Nixcelpixgood luck KingBret!
Aman200726Good luck
TheNewKingBretback to shiniy hunting
Aman200726Thanks c u round
TheNewKingBretif you help later trading i will help
TheNewKingBretif help trading i will help
Aman200726Last one
Aman200726Thanks It was the mon for the pokedex
TheNewKingBretno go ahead it NP
Aman200726No I like to keep it, if you don't mind
TheNewKingBretnot really but you want your we can do trade back if you like
Aman200726The trawlossus
Aman200726Do you need it back?
Aman200726Thanks for trading