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peacewingwhat does the move malice strike do?
TheNewKingBretim really shiny hunting for anything. i just like doing it. maybe you have better shining hunting today
ZeroStarKaiif all else fails, refresh the page
ZeroStarKaiif you're in chat you can't control the game
ZeroStarKaiclick the actual game
ZeroStarKaiarrow keys
ZeroStarKaiclick the game windo
Roger11I can't move
NyraKytemaybe. ive currently got a cursed shiny hunting day. 2 Ledyba :< and last time I went for the lamb. I got 3 aromatics TwT
ZeroStarKai2 more friendship points until my Eevee evolves
ngoomieok good
CodeErrNah, I got it. I know how to take a joke
ngoomiei most certainly cannot turn my PC upside down this mf is heavy
ngoomiesorry if that came off as rude btw it was a stinky attempt to be funny :x
CodeErrThat makes sense I guess
ngoomiethat would make sense
NyraKyteI think maybe needs to know topsy turvy. iirc
TheNewKingBreti can help you*
TheNewKingBreti can help hunt for it if you want
ngoomiethe dex on the website says "level up with move"
NyraKyteprolly will today later. or maybe might attempt at the lamb
ngoomiebut on the real
ngoomiemaybe YOU can't turn your PC upside down.... but i sure can! maybe you just need to try harder ://
TheNewKingBretdamn Nyra are planning to go back again?
CodeErrHow does Inkay evolve in this? Since I can't exactly turn my PC upside down
NyraKytei didnt, i think i hit like 1900 and swapped locales
TheNewKingBreti did get tho
NyraKytetho ido admit the other day, I think you were in chapel. I DID go there to try for the rat. cuz I totally forgot I tried for him. and you were mentioning shiny hunt for em
TheNewKingBretARaima back with music
TheNewKingBretsorry for calling you stalker by the way
TheNewKingBretohhh my bad
NyraKyteSpent 1-2 hours in kanto. time to change scenery. accused of stalking TwT
NyraKyteTbf. unless im helping someone. I bounce between Hub, Kanto, and Harsh for the mons I want.  
TheNewKingBretNyra more like all knowing being that also know my location
Araimatext is tied to framerate
NixcelpixBye game
radiokungfualso can i speed up the text
Nixcelpixi will go do something else
TheNewKingBretif get i trade you later on
NixcelpixGood luck hunting
NyraKyteOuch, calling me a stalker D:
TheNewKingBretno worries i keep going have it in the background anyways
TheNewKingBretthey follow everyone a like ghost
NixcelpixMaybe i will give up searching the Wiglett for today
radiokungfuomg its ivs suck nooo
NixcelpixSome times i think Nyra Follow me, i was in Retro Kanto, later here, yeah...
NyraKyteim everywhere
TheNewKingBretsomehow i end up seeing NyraKyte once day lol
NixcelpixYou... welcome
NixcelpixI will hear some motivating music to hunt this Wiglett
TheNewKingBretI gotten my daily shiny today sadly
TheNewKingBretthis is for you anyways
NixcelpixAre you sure?
TheNewKingBretanything i dont care what it is lol
NixcelpixIf you don't get a Shiny Buizel, I, Don't know what to trade you :sweat:
FoxMan_FFOkay, cool, the Togekiss fight was shockingly easy. It only knew physical moves.
TheNewKingBretIf i get it just trade me anything
NixcelpixThanks T.T
TheNewKingBreti hope you do
NixcelpixI Will really scream here if i get one
TheNewKingBretit been like 1 hour tho
rand0mpinethans kyouuu :3
TidalCubei'll see ya around! be safe 'n have fun :>>
TheNewKingBretonce get pass 200
TidalCubei gotta hop off rn to hang out with my stepgrandparents :P
TheNewKingBreti dont even count anymore
NixcelpixAlmost 5200 Wiglett TuT
TidalCubethis' incredibleee
ngoomiei can't believe easter island makes running back and forth and in circles fun
MajorKiwirand0mpine it did that to me too
MajorKiwireviewing barbie movies lol
MajorKiwiits ted nivision
rand0mpineI do not
rand0mpinethe game thinks I have a turtwif
RezzyTheGamerStop watching this video about sexy horses. The horse council demands so