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xsweatersxmeans you gotta watch your back tonight
Killergunfurywhat does this mean sweaters
NelrielI start the game few days ago if you pick rica as your first adventure do not pick the plant starter or at least prepare yourself because you're going to have a really bad time ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა
Killergunfury"couldnt get away" "wild barrune used dig" "got away safely"
xsweatersxtavern i think sorry
xsweatersxhes in one of the rooms if i recall correctly
nihilitywait the tavern in wilderoot or the inn in the harbor
samwichconlimonhit esc, first page should have a button to turn it off
ZeroStarKaipress f6
xsweatersxtheres a quest from a guy that lost it. i think hess in the inn
jd_123_45Yo sorry for disturbing I am new to this game, but how you unfullscreen
samwichconlimon"you can't run from me, I quit!"
nihilitywhats this lost poke ball for
Killergunfurydamn sweaters
xsweatersxhe wanted to flip you off first
ZeroStarKaiyou can also just press enter when the chat box is empty to regain control of the game
Killergunfuryrunning away but with extra steps
Killergunfury"couldnt get away!" "the wild harevoyant used teleport"
xsweatersxmake sure to click inside the game once. you might be ''tabbed out'' of that screen
jd_123_45um but I am not moving though
jd_123_45Thanks guys
xsweatersxthere should be a widget with full control and info in the bottom right somewhere if youre not on mobile
samwichconlimonarrow keys, z for confirm, x for back, c for jump
ZeroStarKaipress esc and go to keys to customize your controls
Killergunfuryz and x for a and b
ZeroStarKaiuse the arrow keys
Killergunfuryarrow keys
XiterokToo slow
jd_123_45guys I am new to this game, how do you move, like what are the contorls
ZeroStarKaiwhat's the growth rate for friendship?
XiterokHave a good continuation
xsweatersxonce i finish ricas current story, i gotta finish kanto dex
XiterokDo you wanna join me in shinyhunting?
xsweatersxi guess so
NyraKyteJust make mons. make a dex, dont need a region
XiterokHi Rezzy
xsweatersxseeing all these beautiful fakemon really makes me want to whip out my drawing monitor but i dont wanna also make a whole new region lmao
xsweatersxyes zero
samwichconlimonI wish sucker punch was fully implemented. It would make these obliterat so much safer to spore
ZeroStarKaiis the poke doll glitch in retro Kanto patched?
xsweatersxoh okay that IS good
Raywennope it has like 70 dmg i think
xsweatersxthe damage for sucker punch isnt that high tho right? is it just a flat priority move now then
NyraKyteyeah, sucker punch is a dark quick attack now lol
Raywenbecause belly drum would be op if the atk up works but the hp drain doesnt
ZeroStarKaimaking it a damn good dark move
Raywenso belly drum prob doesnt work at all
ZeroStarKaiFor example, sucker punch's effect isn't implemented
samwichconlimonsometimes/partially works
NyraKyteif it has a flat base dmg, and has the (N) it will be like an effectless attack
samwichconlimonif the move deals damage, N usually means it sometimes works. on status, it usually does nothing
NyraKyteIt means the Effect is "Not Implemented"
Raywenbut thats the thing sometimes N kinda work and sometimes not
samwichconlimonbelly drum doesn't work
XiterokJust don't use it
XiterokHas it (N) in name or wiki?