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Jext ★, OutragousCake, MrSleepy, RezzyTheGamer, Pascal5001, Alb, Multi, RiFoun, ChuckyThePumpkin, Sincubus, Iglu, Taysuke, TheDrone95, tetrislicious, Shokie, Nuget, Pokebio, Ginzuishou, AzTech, LPpikachu, CodeErr, ve4is, ItsJahh, Warr, marcusm10116, Zaxarone, Raccoonkeeper
TheNewKingBretim making pokemon game but not pokengine
samwichconlimonI prefer the trash man, but yes pg
Killergunfuryask me any questions
Killergunfuryill still be here tho
Killergunfuryanyways i need to get back to writing down some ideas for mons
wheresandshrewMe am wish Dinjuu Telefang region make like it.
PG55the pant-eater guy?
xsweatersxin borovia you talk to the taxi man at the start after youve entered the mansion
PG55even samwich?
ngoomiei have had vague ideas for a pokemon fangame rattling around in my head for a while now, maybe i'll have to make a region too one day lol
Loaffim in borovia
samwichconlimonI am planning a region, but I plan to make it a seperate project from pokengine so I can safely recieve a cease and desist to hang on the wall. after that, I will make something for pokengine
xsweatersxLoaff, it depends on what region youre in now but just look for someone with a wing above their head. usually in pokecenters or where you started your adventure
Loaffhow do i go back to the hub
PG55everyone is doing a region now
TheNewKingBretif i every want to make region i would use beta mon
wheresandshrewHappy afternoon FinchLord315!
ZeroStarKaiHey finch
PG55Killer is doing a region, I am doing a region, Tapir did a region...
Killergunfuryhey finch
Loaffhow do i go back to the hub
xsweatersxhello finch#
ZeroStarKaiHow about an angelic pokemon that recognizes your efforts to restore the land and joins you should you complete the trials/challenges it gives you?
FinchLord315sup yall
wheresandshrewKillergunfury making fun new land!
Killergunfurystill cant request one yet
Killergunfuryim planning on it nihility
nihilitywait killer r u making a region
LoaffHow do i go back the the hub
xsweatersxaaaa spoilers /s
TheNewKingBretwhat mythicals are talking about?
Killergunfuryno idea for legendaries yet
Killergunfurywell i have 2 mythicals
wheresandshrewHow airport arrival? Scary!?
xsweatersxin harbor lighthouse
xsweatersxtime to fight Lunds daughter
TheNewKingBretI never evolve my mimicrat :)
nihilityin harsholme
ZeroStarKaiany ideas for your legendaries?
nihilitywait what else do i do after seeing the giant grave
darkeryetdarkerwell that sounds fun
Killergunfuryprobably not and yes
darkeryetdarkerso an till you beat the pokemon your basically fighting for your life?
wheresandshrewLose access old version Pokemon heal after?
Killergunfurybasically right now once you beat a certain pokemon the region will start to heal, you get access to new areas and the "restored forms" of certain pokemon
xsweatersxtheres melanistic shinies in Pokefarm and they slap
ngoomiemelanistic corviknight
samwichconlimonsame as normal bret
ngoomiemelanistic pokemon would go hard
TheNewKingBrethow was it before?
xsweatersxsince theres seperate odds for shiny and gold, would it be possible to make albino/melanistic/etc with seperate odds?
samwichconlimonoh, they fixed osheangle's shiny overworld sprite
Exeroh that sounds fun
Exerits like due to lack of resources, pokemon have turned to hunting ghost tactics
Killergunfuryyou have 2 rivals for one
Killergunfuryyeah i have some story planned out
TheNewKingBretshiny hunt*
TheNewKingBretlet shiny as team :3
wheresandshrewOh! It good. Killergunfury planning good!
Killergunfuryi'm just planning right now
Exerlike ghost hunter pokemon
ExerI was thinking more like ghhostbuster stuff
Killergunfuryi might draw them later and post em in discord
ZeroStarKaiSandshrew wants to see what you've made
wheresandshrewHow see Killergunfury Pokemon if permission?
Killergunfurythe fire starter is a pile of ash if thats what you mean
PG55sorry i logged out
Exera pokemon evolved to utilise the many ghost and dark types
Exerit would eb cool to see a soul eater mon
Killergunfuryi have like 15
wheresandshrewMe am think as long as role first 15 Pokemon unique, am many solutions continuous battling, no tried, it good!  
Killergunfurywdym by what mons
PG55talking about your region?
Exerwhat mons have u created so far
Killergunfurywelcome back
KillergunfuryZero theres a reason why the region is dying
Exersomething like yokai but darker
Exermaybe have some lifeless plants, corrupted sewage, possed items
samwichconlimonI still like my normal flying regional bird that is actually a flying snake named snanket
ZeroStarKaithe region sounds like it's already dead and everyone in it is in purgatory trying to pass on
TheNewKingBretso ghost a region then
Killergunfurylike the plants are dead
Killergunfurythe region is dying
Exeror maybe a dystopia