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TheNewKingBretthank you nix!
SirnefSince that's been a recent glitch
DiamondseekIf you get stuck/glitched, always try refreshing first
SirnefIf you can't move you might need to refresh
Sirnefarrow keys to move, z to confirm, x to cancel, c to jump iirc
ViralMagnumTyphloeither core pokemon regions or fan made ones1
TheNewKingBretat 3.1k now
ViralMagnumTyphlofinish tutorial >> go to the airport when you're done and pick anything you like
NixcelpixGood luck Bret!
Aman200726Hey guy's are there good TMs in centennial valley?
Hatrikucompletely new to pokengine. where do i start?
TheNewKingBretzapdos hunt today :3
ViralMagnumTyphlome on the morning (?)
TheNewKingBretthank you!
AlroMy bike be like: :mon_00myx2ed:
SirnefYo! Hope you enjoy your coco
Hatrikuhello guys
ViralMagnumTyphlopick up, yey
NixcelpixThis time for real
DiamondseekHow many more times will you be saying that?
TheNewKingBretim back sirnef hey!
Nixcelpixand i will go to sleep
NixcelpixOk last turn of Safari Zone
Sincubusdon't live with me
DiamondseekNah, we understand
SirnefIt's probably fiiine
SirnefThe answer is: live with your sins
ViralMagnumTyphlohope i don't get a warning or something x.x
DiamondseekYour bike is made of feet
NixcelpixYou can't D:
ViralMagnumTyphlohow can i delete a message
AlroMy bike is leaving footprints in the snow
Primaloh ya that video is def not safe
ViralMagnumTyphlobruh, i didn't find the original @w@ my bad my bad
DiamondseekThat definitely needs an epilepsy warning
NixcelpixMy eyes, be careful Viral
NixcelpixJust 2 minutes or this safari time
PrimalI cast sleepy times
SirnefGet some rest if you need to mate
Primalty I feel blessed
NixcelpixSure, why not?
Primalcan your wish get me a golden ponyta
SirnefI haven't even found anything yet, I feel like I've missed something at this point, but I don't wanna think of that lmao
ViralMagnumTyphlorun away, run away, run away, bruh i don't think these rats will sell
SirnefIt's been a week on and off T_T
DiamondseekI am in 66th place, with 6 points and 6 shinies
SirnefI'm still looking for my shiny druddigon
NixcelpixYeah Skorupi
NixcelpixMorning Sirnef!
SirnefOh new shiny? Congrats mate
PrimalCongratz nixxxx
ViralMagnumTyphloyou're literally unbeteable in the rankins
ViralMagnumTyphlocongrats for the shiny
TheNewKingBretNix dont get more shiny until then lol
TheNewKingBretgoing to make hot coco
ViralMagnumTyphloso it's 75 % runaway and 25 % pick up ldslkjsdjlk
ViralMagnumTyphlolike twice the amount with the ones with pick up
ViralMagnumTyphlofrom 8 shurde /ashrutes with pick up, i got all of these with runaway
Terraclawshould be
NixcelpixMaybe with Egg?
Terraclawi cant find any in rica i forgot where i caught this thing
Terraclawregister it if i catch another one
Terraclawdo you think i can like
NixcelpixYou welcome!
ViralMagnumTyphloTHANK YOU NIX
DiamondseekIt does that sometimes
Terraclawwhy is this skiddo not registered in my dex wth
ViralMagnumTyphlosecond ability
NixcelpixIs Pick Up a hidden or a special ability?
ViralMagnumTyphloashrute with runaway
AlroThe fact that I can't rebind the space bar is wild