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SincubusI ain't in no flower maze
DiamondseekI can't believe that Sin doesn't want to be stabbed
Sincubusflower maze?
Killergunfuryi cant stab you there
KillergunfurySin leave the flower maze area pls
DiamondseekDoubt it
Drazzyany way to allow left/right arrows to overwrite up/down arrows when both are pressed?
DiamondseekI did get a shiny Sunkern while I was here though
Killergunfurybest $2000 ive ever spent
Sincubus"it seems I have been impaled"
samwichconlimonprobably? how so?
PrimalSucks doesnt it
DiamondseekI have been stabbed
Notyingis it possible to soft lock yourself in rica
DiamondseekEspecially not the Leilyne
samwichconlimonno one would ever expect me to be there
Sincubusday 42 in the chamber, they aint found me yet but when they do, they gonna be surprised
Diamondseeknever would have guessed
samwichconlimonI actually was in the church the whole time
DiamondseekI'm still where I was
Killergunfurywhere were you then
DiamondseekI  was never in the sewers btw
SincubusI just really like egg
Killergunfuryyour in the one place i cant access
samwichconlimonnight. I get off in 5
Icymossbed time, night gamers
KillergunfurySin are you in the burrows?
samwichconlimonarrow keys. if it doesn't work, reload
Diamondseekif that doesn't work, refresh
Diamondseekarrow keys
Deginopohow to move
Sincubusmaybe I'll like it
Sincubusyou may try
samwichconlimonthat is one of the longest zxcs I have seen
KillergunfurySin when i get out you are next to be stabbed
DiamondseekTime flies when you have a knife
Sincubusthose are some real quick days
KillergunfuryDay 6: i had to cook one of the sewer birds to survive
TheNewKingBretbird are lies
Killergunfuryday 5: im only going up now, i havent had any food for a while now
Killergunfuryday 4: oi found a door
KillergunfuryDay 3 of being lost in the sewers: why is there a bird living down here
DiamondseekAnd my increasing bidoofieness will never be my downfall
peacewinghave fun
DiamondseekFailed murder
04:46 i wanna know wuts happenin?
DiamondseekWish I was in the sewers now
samwichconlimonkiller, just flood the sewers with acid
DiamondseekWell dang
Killergunfury+ shiny ponyta
Killergunfuryim gonna send an elite team down there
Killergunfuryget out of the sewers Diamond
ZeroStarKaiI now have a signature of your stomache
Killergunfurygimme a min
DiamondseekNice and knife-free
DiamondseekIt's cozy in here
Killergunfurydiamond please leave the sewers
Diamondseek(because I'm not that fara in Harshomle)
ZeroStarKaishould've moved to borivia if you wanted to hide from fury
DiamondseekI couldn't find Sam
ZeroStarKaito begin you're still in harsholme
Killergunfurysam are you in a church?
samwichconlimonbet you will never find me
Skunkmonkyoull never find me now
archen11but I do, the sparrow in my pc
Skunkmonklooks like I lost your trail
Killergunfuryno fly mon idk
archen11if you can track anyone down than why did you think I waas in seafoam :v
DiamondseekAll I'm saying, is that I haven't yet been stabbed
Killergunfuryi have skunkmonk trapped
ZeroStarKaicome on, my dreams tried harder than that