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KillergunfuryPrimal i can see your team....
ZeroStarKaithat's true
archen11especially since recent games have gotten rid of them
archen11I like gen 2 3 and 5 more than gen 1, but going through it again it is neat seeing how many more dungeons there are
ZeroStarKaiThe most gen 1 gets is the strength puzzles
Primalwith surf
Primalthank god I got an omanyte
Kazaam1Ah OK.
archen11cerulean cave
DiamondseekI'm glad you enjoy Kanto, archen
Kazaam1The Unknown Dungeon? Wdym?
ZeroStarKai"The most iconic, best and unique dungeons" 6 of gen 3's gyms are puzzle gyms, GEN 4's GHOST GYM MAKES YOU DO MATH, Gen 5 makes use of its technology, and gen 6 is plain cool with its designs
archen11You got Mt. Moon, Rock Tunnel, The Safari Zone, Silph Co. Victory Road, Cinnabar Mansion, Power Plant, Seafoam Island and The Unknown Dungeon all of which are pretty steller
Killergunfuryare you in the pokemon mansion....
PrimalWhy would I ever tell you
Killergunfurywhere did you go primal
PrimalI have escaped
archen11I think out of all of the games, kanto has both the most iconic, best, and unique dungeons compared to all of the other pokemon games
ZeroStarKaiit doesn't even have fly
ZeroStarKaiPrimal, that charizard ain't gonna save you
PrimalHe's out of bounds
PrimalThis is getting scary
Killergunfuryget out of the poke mart
PrimalWhat the
DaltonisOi mate you got a license to be using that keyboard?
ZeroStarKaiGod it's 9pm and people are already shooting fireworks
DiamondseekStabbing? You got a liscence for that?
Killergunfurystart running
PrimalNo I'm not in kanto
ZeroStarKaiHe is indeed in kanto
Killergunfurya guy who wants to stab you
Primalwhos asking
archen11I feel like pokemon is meant to be hopefull, and the end result should you be being able to save the world, maybe pull a resurrection of a legendary
KillergunfurySo Primal your in kanto right?
ZeroStarKaiIt would be neat to reflect that in them actually serving purposes towards saving the region, even if ultimately futile before the player's efforts
Killergunfuryi have forms for certain mons in mind
KillergunfuryArchen seeing as your being nice
ZeroStarKaiThe gym leaders are generally *important* individuals
ZeroStarKaiActually, yeah. Each of the gyms should be related to the preservation of the dying world
KillergunfuryIce and Electric, wild first gyms
KillergunfuryIf you said *Primal* you were right!
ZeroStarKai2nd gym could be electric. Someone needs to ensure power still travels to the surviving residents of the region
KillergunfuryAlright Trainers! who gets stabbed next?
ZeroStarKaiMaybe they can be available after the gym, or somewhere slightly difficult to reach
archen11water losing energy
Killergunfuryoh wait i have a cave....
archen11ice is entropy
archen11for a death world ice works
ZeroStarKaiThey don't have to be early game mons
Killergunfurywhere do i put them
archen11I thought blubba had more patchwork
ZeroStarKaiMake some
archen11or im just misrembering
Killergunfuryi have no ice mons
ZeroStarKaiAgain, Ice type, Fury
archen11well plush like
archen11but would probably be a normal/fairy since they are a plushie
Killergunfury*Their name is Cassandra*
archen11tubba blubba is perfect
ZeroStarKaiIce is perfect for that
ZeroStarKaiYou need a way to preserve it safely
ZeroStarKaiWater is an extremely important resource
Killergunfuryif you want their name ill drop it
ZeroStarKaiAnyway, first leader: Ice
ZeroStarKaiArchen, what you have suggested is Tubba Blubba from Paper Mario 64
Killergunfurywhat type should they be
Killergunfuryanyways i'm gonna create the first gym leader now ;-;
archen11thats good enough for pokemon and monster hunter
archen11they have life energy
ZeroStarKaiBro's gonna make Tubba Blubba from Paper Mario
DaltonisBut he can't get fat again because the ghost have no calories
archen11or even normal/dark
archen11a normal/fighting snorlax with scrappy that eats ghosts would be cute
KillergunfuryDaltonis i will feed you to the rats
DaltonisWhy not reflect his diet change by giving him a Fighting type instead
Killergunfury*HES SKINNY NOW*
archen11at that point why?
archen11a regioanl snorlaxx thats the same type as normal snorlax?
Killergunfuryoh there a rock too
archen11a pure normal type would get unique value out of a dex like that
Killergunfuryas well as psychic
Killergunfuryground and fairy exists
Killergunfurytheres also bug and dark
ZeroStarKaiexample: dragon/poison type, it's a dying dragon whose energy cannot properly meld with the earth, corrupting everything around it
Killergunfuryflying exists
Killergunfurywell i just changed the typing of one dude
ZeroStarKaithat wasn't the question
Killergunfurymostly secondary ghost*