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ZeroStarKaiwhat about the other types?
Killergunfuryi have 11 ghost types
Killergunfuryummm if you mean ghost type yes?
archen11oh so like a dark souls
archen11and do you have at least one pokemon of each type?
Killergunfuryby death i mean the region is physically dying
Killergunfuryfor some reasonn the tadpole is the most normal one
GemWolfZomg froggy
Killergunfurya dead tree, a pile of ash and a tadpole
archen11and by death what do you mean like an underworld or what?
GemWolfZi have several fakemon of my own but ive already drawn them
archen11do you have your starters done?
KillergunfuryGem do you have any ideas for mon 22 in my region?
GemWolfZoh yeah i can buy fire stone from guy outside hotel :thumbsup: thanks
Killergunfuryhe *IS* back Icy :mon_00xsarym:
Icymosshes back...
archen11whats your region about
Killergunfuryi got 21 mons and cant think of anything else
Killergunfurybut i got no ideas
Killergunfuryhmmm i wanna work on my region
Daltonis+ dusk and dawn
TheNewKingBret6 to 18 and 18 to 6 in game time
ItsJahhhow does day night cycle work
Kazaam1sure am missing Flame Body and bicycles here on easter island
KillergunfuryBret having a stroke
GemWolfZanyway i'll check the harbor ^_^
TheNewKingBretgotta just me how many you got before you log off
DaltonisI'm not 100% certain so take it with a grain of salt Gem
ZeroStarKaialright, I'm gonna see how close I can get to 1500 before I run out of willpower for the night
TheNewKingBretthis is taking long then i thought lol
GemWolfZthank you :thumbsup:
DaltonisSo either somewhere in the Tidal Tunnels or somewhere on the road to Gullutton in the Hollows 2F
TheNewKingBrethalf to 5k
DaltonisMight be late game judging from its position in the inventory
KillergunfurySam1 has died
DaltonisNo idea where I hot it tho
Kazaam1samwich enjoy raising those obliterats into Daleks lol
GemWolfZgodspeed soldier
DaltonisOh true there is one I have it in my inventory
samwichconlimon11,267 total encounters. 229 leilyne. 5 shiny obliterat, 3 golden. Day 8 complete. no end in sight.
GemWolfZoh speaking of the harbor you just reminded me to deliver that usb drive
A_Priced_ShoeThere is a fire stone you can find
DaltonisGem I think you have to buy it in the Harbour
GemWolfZwhere can you get a fire stone in harsholme btw
samwichconlimongetting off once I tally up encounters
DaltonisMy condolences
samwichconlimon6th shiny obliterat gotten
biologobugcaught 100!!!
biologobugFOUND BOUFALLANT please dont crash the server
ZeroStarKaiI had to do that to unlock the post game stuff
ZeroStarKaiThen refresh
MaximdracoYeah, I also got the achievement
ZeroStarKaiyou got the hall of fame cutscene, right?
MaximdracoI just defeated the e4, I think I need to do somethink else
samwichconlimonjump I think. unless you have not beaten e4
MaximdracoIn Celadon City
MaximdracoThere is a path of trees that I can cut, but there is an invisible wall there, is possible to go trough?
DiamondseekTry going back there, if that doesn't work, then you'll want to grab a mod
DiamondseekWell, the game doesn't think you did
DiamondseekNacho, did you beat Koga?
ZeroStarKaiWait how do you not have the Koga achievement
Sincubusthats what I thought ty
samwichconlimonit will either evolve one way or the other
samwichconlimonpersonality value. basically, it's evos are random
Sincubuswhat does pv mean in reference to frodent?
Nachoto666iI'm 7 and I already defeated gionavi again but he won't let me enter his gym
ZeroStarKaiIf you're missing one you can't fight him
PrimalI bet you're missing a gym
ZeroStarKaiare you sure you have all 8 badges?