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SirnefThe real answer is to get a set-up sweeper and set up before the emolga though lmao
ZeroStarKaiUse the first mon to set up either a defensive or evasive buff, then growl down the emolga once it's out
SirnefThat's what I personally did at least
Alcreamie_enthusiasso i need a starly?
Sirnefiirc a mon with intimidate helps a bit, since it attacks with spark?
Alcreamie_enthusiasi canteven beat him once
SirnefI hope you're ready to fight it **2 more times** after this
TheNewKingBretlore it baby so couldn't do it yet
SirnefWelcome to Cloudia Alcreamie lmao
TheNewKingBretthat just pokedex thing
SirnefThat's just flavor text I'm pretty sure
Alcreamie_enthusiasomg this emolga..
AlroIt says it has a song that causes all eggs in the vacinity to hatch
✏mattgcnhi azria :)
AlroI just hatched it
TheNewKingBretsong? what level is your totem?
AlroHow do I activate Sakurovix's Song?
TheNewKingBretyo i like clouda island but i think HH is best so far
AlroYou need to disable chat appearing on top when you're in fullscreen
Alcreamie_enthusiaseaster was thereason i left to go to cloudia
✏mattgcneaster island is a nightmare to me. gacha hell
Alrookay I found the problem and whatever you thought it was, it's dumber
SirnefEaster Island personally, I don't like having to hatch so many eggs, while also raising the pokemon to be battle ready
Diamondseekwtf is that
Sirnef6.8k encounters total for me btw
ZeroStarKaiJohto would be goated if not for that absurd level curve
Alcreamie_enthusiasits just boring
SirnefIn game or real pokemon regions?
ZeroStarKaiIt simply is
DiamondseekTry refreshing, Alro
ZeroStarKaiJohto is.
ZeroStarKaiFRLG Kanto is unnecessarily slow, while GB Kanto is quite fine
DiamondseekMine's Kanto
DiamondseekAlright, what's everyone's least favorite region?
Alrokeep talking while I troubleshoot
DiamondseekIt worked!
Alcreamie_enthusiasYAY I FOUND ONE
DiamondseekClick on the chat, then scroll it to the bottom
Alcreamie_enthusiaswhere do i find rookiedee in cloudia?
TheNewKingBretthen again i might be the choas to him lmao
ViralMagnumTyphloit auto scroll for me
ViralMagnumTyphloput the scroll at the bottom?
TheNewKingBretThe choas is here
Alrois there something I have to do to make chat autoscroll?
SirnefNote that it's possible I missed it, because I'm not the most attentive when I'm sleepy, but usually I...
Diamondseekcause nothing in 5 days is suspicious
SirnefTotal I'll have to pull out the calc
DiamondseekTotal, I mean
Sirnef2k on druddigon
DiamondseekHow many encounters are you at?
SirnefI'm going until tonight, then if I still don't find anything I'll check if this place is shiny locked for some reason lmao
TheNewKingBretYou know i dont mind. it been like 5 day now?
SirnefNah, it's cool
TheNewKingBretI'm sorry to hear that. Do you want my help to find it yet?
SirnefI still haven't found anything either lmao
SirnefYup, still on druddigon
SirnefIt's fine, not like I got much else going on in my life rn
TheNewKingBretare still on the same shiny hunt?
Alcreamie_enthusiasthe music in cloudia reminda me of mario and sonic at the oylmpics
DiamondseekOr set a hotkey
Hatrikuoh alr
DiamondseekOr right click -> use
SirnefOr right click and use
SirnefDrag pokeball from inventory to screen
TheNewKingBretmobile or computer?
Hatrikuhow do i throw pokeballs?\
TheNewKingBreti mean stay up when your tired
TheNewKingBretSirnef isnt the first you done something like this
TheNewKingBretoh azria is online?
SirnefHah, I'm sure it's prolly fiiiiine
TheNewKingBretDude i hope it short then 20 hours. your health comes first
SirnefLike, I know internet is usually bad around her but damn x.x
SirnefIt's fluctuating so we'll see how long it actually is lmao
TheNewKingBretdamn that long?
SirnefWhich is estimated to be...20-ish hours...bidoof
SirnefI'll prolly be in and out until zzz finishes downloading
TheNewKingBretglad to see you on
NixcelpixThanks n n
SirnefRest well mate
Nixcelpixgood night to everyone!
DiamondseekHave good sleep
NixcelpixGoing to sleep
DiamondseekGood night!
NixcelpixTime up for me
Hatrikuyep gotta refresh