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Jext ★, OutragousCake, MrSleepy, RezzyTheGamer, Pascal5001, Alb, Multi, RiFoun, ChuckyThePumpkin, Sincubus, angstyx, Iglu, Taysuke, TheDrone95, xsweatersx, tetrislicious, Blcklux, zwrieger, Raphix, marcusm10116, Jezz0Blaze, Shokie, Nuget, Pokebio, Ginzuishou, PeoDodo, AzTech, LPpikachu, CodeErr, samwichconlimon
Exerwhat kind of region is it
TheNewKingBretsound like halloween steampunk or ghost region to me
Killergunfurythe rodent is grass/dark bird is flying ghost and bug is bug/dark
Exerand probs location too
Killergunfurythe starters are all water/ghost grass/ghost and fire/ghost
Exerwell depends on what pokemon
Exerwait 15 pokemon with ghost and dark types?
wheresandshrewOh! Scary Pokemon.
Killergunfurybut i plan to have different forms for them after maybe the 4th or 5th gym
Killergunfurythey all have secondary ghost or dark type so far
wheresandshrewKillergunfury am are fun Pokemon?
Killergunfurycan someone give me some advice on my first 15 mons i have planned in my region?
Rhazzythank god ;-; Ive been in the centennial valley for hours trying to complete the registration thing
wheresandshrewYay! Rhazzy lost and found!
samwichconlimonjoin me in the chapel of isolation
RhazzyOh! Nevermind I'm dumb! I didnt realize the pc's had a scroll down portion (:
darkeryetdarkeri just have the golden grass druidune in front of my party to idk give me better rng
TheNewKingBretgonna take break from main shiny hunt and going to samwhich
darkeryetdarkeractually im at 3914 encounters rn
xsweatersxah my bad darker
TheNewKingBretdid you get the beach?
darkeryetdarkerim talking about the ground one
wheresandshrewRhazzy, picture Discord Mod! Maybe help?
xsweatersxi figured duidune would be a fast one with the hoard encounters. guess not
samwichconlimonyou got this darker, Just remember jono has a golden one
TheNewKingBretbruh you still looking for it?
darkeryetdarkerim gonna join in when i get my shiny druidune... tbh that will never happen when im close to 4k
samwichconlimonI would reccomend grabbing a bunch of eggs from peggy first
Rhazzyhey so I put my shiny eevee in the pc and it just disappeared? is that something I can fix? :')
AlroChange name to Davros
TheNewKingBretI can join you?
samwichconlimongolden obliterat, evolved and named Dalek
TheNewKingBretany shinies?
samwichconlimonI have seen 54 leilyne
xsweatersxi actually found lund to be the easier ''gym leader'' of the 4
TheNewKingBretI can trade you mine oh nvm
samwichconlimonlooking for shiny leilyne
TheNewKingBretyou still looking for a leilyne?
samwichconlimonor hunt leilyne with me
xsweatersxyeh. snaukler with surf is ez grind. anguillera with EQ also works
wheresandshrewSeventy? Sandshrew level 63 only...
samwichconlimongrind chalkers for ex
xsweatersxnah its fine Bret. im all about that DIY
TheNewKingBretdamn overkill
nihilitymy team is in the thirties
nihilitylow seventies 💀
xsweatersxi wiped his ass with a lv 83 anyway#
TheNewKingBretI let you use my mewtwo sweater. if need be
xsweatersxi think low seventies?
samwichconlimonI think you ran the wrong way
nihilitywhat level is lunds team
xsweatersxthe only help i need in borovia is a mountain of candies because i cba to grind for count
samwichconlimonkiller, up
XiterokIf you need help in Borovia, I'm at the graveyard
ShadowKrimsonTo cut small trees prob
samwichconlimonto cut trees with killer :)
TheNewKingBretI need  two shiny Granityke >.>
Killergunfurywho does he want me to murder
samwichconlimonback to hunting for shiny leilyne
Killergunfurywhy did Lund just hand me a cleaver?!?!?
samwichconlimonand back to the box it goes
samwichconlimongonna borrow this harevoyant so I can get the thing at gobblegannet done
wheresandshrewsamwichconlimon Pokemon Ranger!
TheNewKingBretsamwich being the best here
samwichconlimongood. I prepared that for a seperate rescue mission
xsweatersxim not in spookytown but maybe the larvomit man can help you
Killergunfurythank you
samwichconlimondouble chek it has fly for me?
Killergunfurythank you
TheNewKingBretohh thank you :)
samwichconlimonhere for the trade, yep
Kyurihtoh trade, would anyone help me with it?
TheNewKingBretsamwich you going do it?
TheNewKingBretin a cave so give couple of mintes
PG55sweaters i said big, not extremely small
xsweatersxCompella needs to be traded
Killergunfuryby gobblegannet
samwichconlimonI can get you a fly seaguzzle
TheNewKingBretwhich light house?
Killergunfuryat the lighthouse
xsweatersx@PG55 is it the size of DIS DIIIICK#
TheNewKingBretwhat region your in