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ngoomieit sucks
Killergunfurysnowstorms in july
Whopper223imagine living in alberta
PG55can i destroy a part of the scenario in the middle of the game in Pokengine?
xsweatersxi will not elaborate
Killergunfurywhat else...
xsweatersxAlberta is such a millenial place to live
Whopper223and its like built around ontario
Killergunfurylemme give you a hint
ngoomieare you an albertan too
Killergunfurymultiple different languages
Whopper223nah it a place
Killergunfuryi live in the messed up part of canada tho
PG55i thought it was a US joke about the north
Whopper223dang u gonna die
Killergunfuryi live in canada too
Whopper223dang u do
samwichconlimonnot for long
ngoomieyeah i live there
xsweatersxmake sure it doesnt faint
PG55wait, Canada is a real thing?
samwichconlimonjess, have it follow behind you, level it up, and have it lead into battles
ngoomieso the name def fits then
ngoomieman and i was just abt to crack a joke like "no way. they made canada into a pokemon region"
PG55Better than Paldea in my opinion
Whopper223the region is based off of canada
TheNewKingBretim going keep catching them then
PG55Ontorion is cool
samwichconlimongood name whopper
samwichconlimonwell, less than 250 have been caught, so quite a bit
Killergunfurycool name for a region!
PG55a good name
JesstroyerAnyone know how to raise happiness on Easter island
darkeryetdarkeri will made my own ancestor druidune before getting this shiny
TheNewKingBrethow much you think leilyne would sell for?
Whopper223well its ont/
Killergunfurythe community is a good source of feedback
samwichconlimonI will get shiny leilyne before you get shiny druidune, and then we will play silksong together
PG55can i remove part of the scenario in the middle of the game?
Whopper223i do have one but its bad
KillergunfuryWhopper you better come up with a name for you region rn
ngoomie"this bird pokemon is migratory! it only shows up in summer" etc
ngoomieyeah but i'm talking like totally diff species
TheNewKingBretk back wtf darkeyet
PG55the SKY would literally FALL in a mountain
samwichconlimonI mean, they affected the form of sawsbuck
PG55i mean, a part of the scenario would stop existing
Killergunfurythats the first thing i had
darkeryetdarkerwell i have reached 4k encounters and ofc no woopering shony
Whopper223well not really
ngoomieive always wanted a pkmn game with seasons like BW/B2W2 had but with the seasons actually affecting which mons show up where
Whopper223yes thats how houses work silly
KillergunfuryWhopper do you have a name for you region?
TheNewKingBretwifey calling brb
PG55but only the start
Whopper223butonly like the ones in undertale
PG55or part of it
FinchLord315The start of borovia is a cutscene
PG55and change the entire scenario?
Killergunfurymy burn wound is excreting some time of watery substance
Whopper223and i cause like the biggest controvery ever asking people what i should put in it
PG55can i put cutscenes in Pokengine?
TheNewKingBretlamo that a bad idea
samwichconlimonIf I don't get a c&d after a year, I try to upload to steam for free to force their hand:)
Whopper223its like a futuristic region
KillergunfuryWhopper whats ur region?
PG55like time-changing and cinemathic cutscene
ngoomiemeans you've made something good enough that nintendo/the pokemon company finds it threatening lol
Whopper223hey did anyone forget about me making one
samwichconlimonthat is the goal
ngoomiei would be proud
ngoomiedude getting a C&D would be legendary
TheNewKingBretnot you samwich
PG55but idk if Pokengine can handle everything i wanna put on the region
TheNewKingBreti hope you do
samwichconlimonsame, part of my goal is to get a cease and desist to frame and hang on the wall
PG55i was planning to make a region for Pokengine
wheresandshrewLuck for Killergunfury!