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Kyurihtdoes anyone know how to evolve compella?
PG55do you wanna hear about a big number?
KillergunfuryYes bret pls
VelgonBRhmm thanks Xiterok ^^
Grimscyter9What am i suppose to do after clearing the intro of the HUB Island ??
Xiterokthis took longer than I thought, not a problem
xsweatersxdubious disc is dropped in lab by uh, the weird electric tall mon
TheNewKingBreti can give a pidgey with fly if you need it
xsweatersxahaaa thank you Xiterok
XiterokLarvomit evolves while leveling while holding Dubious Disc
Killergunfurylike i dont have the tm and the pokemon i tought it to doesnt have it anymore
PG55theres not a single move relearner in the entire pokengine universe
xsweatersxmove relearners arent in any region yet
samwichconlimonmove relearners don't work rn, so no
insumesis there a move relearner in harsholm?
TheNewKingBreti can a pokemon with fly if you need it
Killergunfuryi lost fly?!?!?
xsweatersxoooh okay Velgon. hmm not sure. anyone know which item it needs to hold during level up?
VelgonBRIt's because I caught a shiny Larvomit
PG55do you wanna know about a big number?
xsweatersxtechnically correct since it cant evo right?
TheNewKingBreti know this. is what your talking about killergun?
samwichconlimonthe golden togepi is not a shiny. it is a seperate species
Killergunfuryfollow the arrows
xsweatersxgo right after you enter the mansion, theres arros pointing to a wall
Killergunfuryright side ofmanor
ShadowKrimsonOr you can try every item you get Velgon
KillergunfuryRezzy its in the walls
TheNewKingBretare talking about the golden topegi?
PG55inside the manor
RezzyTheGamerwhere's a mart in borovia?
PG55trash is rarer
Killergunfuryyou get a free one
Killergunfurygo to easter island bret
PG551/10000 is not that rare
TheNewKingBreti would love
TheNewKingBretyes i would have golden shiny
xsweatersxit doesnt say the item. but dont worry, you can just catch the evolved mon in the wild too
PG55i calculated
VelgonBRIt doesn't say the item
xsweatersxhuh youre right
Killergunfurygo to easter island
PG55trash is rare
RezzyTheGameri had a golden shiny but no balls lol
KillergunfuryBret you want a golden shiny?]
PG55its 10 thousand
PG55no, not 10 times
TheNewKingBreti still want a golden shiny
darkeryetdarkerand it uses the disc drop by encryptid i think
PG55i can keep going in the small numbers
XiterokIt doesn't say the item
PG55getting 10 trash in a row is 10 times harder than getting 2 golden shinies in a row
darkeryetdarkerits a item evo
xsweatersxdont remember how to evolve larvonmit by heart
XiterokIt shouldn't
xsweatersxit says how to evolve mons if you click on go to site, on its dex entry
TheNewKingBretoh the trash chance is trash lol
VelgonBRDoes anyone know how to evolve a Larvomit?
Xiterok1720 Mightiro
PG55which is a lil small
PG55in a row
PG5510 trash has a chance of 1 in 10 billion
TheNewKingBretthat is 1% then
Icymoss650 starters farmed
samwichconlimonI know. I am making a guess about the 20% part
PG55thats 1%
samwichconlimon20% of a 5% chance bret
PG55thats expected
PG55ngoomie in that case, you turned all luck in the world in cookies
TheNewKingBretso 20% then?
samwichconlimonagain, the 1% is mostly a guess. all I know is it is less than 5%, and I think it is a 1/5 for trash
TheNewKingBretno it becasue change of get it again decreases
ngoomiethe one about everyone who went to a casino winning for a week straight, and then the owner is like "don't worry, i think we can still recover" or something and then gets struck by lighting upwards of 20 times
PG55its 8 zeros
ngoomiethat reminds me of the one cookie clicker news ticker story
TheNewKingBret0.000000000001% to get 8 trash in the row O.o
PG55if you get 8 trash in a row one day, know that you spent your entire luck and now youll never win the lottery
PG55no, thats 20 times easier!
PG55and winning the lottery is 0,000002
TheNewKingBretbrb going do the another 1/100
samwichconlimonI should say, the 1% is a guess. I know odds are 1/20 for an item instead of an encounter. I guessed it is about 1/5 for the item to be trash
PG558 of them
xsweatersx1 in 100 for trash i think
PG55its 2 times harder!
TheNewKingBretwhat% of getting trash?
PG55winning the lottery has a chance of 2x10^-8
PG558 trash in a row has a chance or 10^-8