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ngoomiei got a shiny mawhile in Y and traded it off for a legendary
TheNewKingBreti have shiny dex up to gen 8
Icymossmy first shiny was a Articuno in LG and I reset that game before I realised what a shiny was, I look back and remember the stars around it...
ngoomiei gave up on my shinyhunting dreams in official games long ago but man was i sad about it
NyraKyteFail a shiny. ez
ngoomiei'm glad shinyhunting is more feasible here
Tripb85tbh same
Icymosscya sweater
Tripb85wyr fail a shiny legendary or die
ngoomieeven big cats like maine coons are generally on the smaller side when compared to dogs
Icymossapparently yea, a cat to deal with the rats on the ship, and a dog if they needed food
ngoomieyeah some dogs get huge
TheNewKingBretgoodnight sleep well
ngoomiecya sweaters
NyraKyteyeah, also cats dont get very big, they wouldnt be all that worth, but big dogs could be close to like, calves maybe.
xsweatersxi require a nap. so ill talk to you all later. happy hunting!
ngoomiedamn fr?
Icymosstbf thats why they bring a dog on old ships
ngoomiefor whatever reason i'd imagine cats would be stringy
NyraKyteYeah id agree with ngoo
TheNewKingBretthat a rare mon nice
ngoomieso i'd imagine based off of that the dog would taste better
Tripb85inb4 crit
ngoomiehistorically haven't dogs been raised for meat more often than cats -- in fact i'm not actually sure i know of any instances of cats being reared for meat
Icymosssorry for any vegans, dont mean to make people feel bad
TheNewKingBretwhich one gamer?
RezzyTheGamerdon't worry i wont kill this one
NyraKyteIdk. cats just HATE me.
NyraKyteI grew up with a cat, that only ever was aggressive with me. now I rescued 2 cats abandoned during winter, and they just made themselves at home. but man, do they do everything in the power to annoy JUST me.
RezzyTheGameryo a shiny
IcymossI hear horse and bear is meant to taste pretty good
Tripb85and then the girl was crying lol
PG55which do you think tastes better?
Tripb85they picked out which one they wanted and the guy working at the place took the dog in another room and butchered it and put it in the bag
ngoomieone of my boys is fat and stupid and the other is a massive house panther
IcymossI got 1 shinny girl and one insanely fluffy girl <3
PG55i was talking about the taste
Tripb85so this man and woman were in the philipines and they saw a bunch of dogs on display so they wanted a dog
ngoomiecats are evil that's why i like them :)
IcymossCats are so cute
NyraKyteopposite for me icy lol. id feel bad. but, cats are evil
PG55they look tastier
Icymosstbf I've probably eaten both without realising
PG55id eat cat's
ngoomiethough yeah being a cat owner it would be a bit sad for me
Tripb85that reminds me of a funny story my grandpa told me
ngoomiehonestly either
Icymossdog, I own cats so it would make me more sad
TheNewKingBreti dont eat meat so none
PG55would you rather eat dog meat or cat meat? (its perfectly cooked and doesnt look like a cat/dog)
Tripb85as violent as it sounds
Tripb85i'd probably tie the snakes up in a knot and haev them choke to death
IcymossMURDOC thats it
Icymossyea its like bears, moon bear I could 1v1
ngoomieyeah i wouldn't want to be stuck in a room with murdoc for 24 hours
IcymossI dont know green dude in Gorillaz is mental
ngoomiedepends on the 'rilla
ngoomiei almost typed gorillaz
ngoomieworth noting that gorillas aren't necessarily mean from what i've heard
PG55every time???
PG55a random gorilla
NyraKyteSnakes 100. Id have a chance to survive against snakes. gorilla kill me in painful way everytime
Tripb85would i pick which goirlla
IcymossSnakes ez to deal with gorilla I am at its wim
ngoomiegorilla probably acc
PG55for 24h
Icymoss3 snakes
ngoomiethe scrungly
ngoomiethe chungy
IcymossDunsparce is based off of the Tsuchinoko as well
PG55would you rather get stuck in a room with a gorilla or 3 poisonous snakes?
Tripb85yugioh is fun
NyraKytelike a manta ray.?
ngoomieholy hippowdon it looks ADORABLE
Icymossthe Tsuchinoko yugioh card is insanly cute
ngoomieheard of tsuchinoko but didnt know thats what it was
SquareRootOfPotatothank you, you too
IcymossTsuchinoko yea
Tripb85minecraft pressure plate lookin ahh snake
PG55a wide snake?
Icymossthats a japanses yokai snake lol
TheNewKingBretgood luck potato
PG55imagine if snakes were wide instead of long
ngoomiethe way the fat on my body is distributed is so burmyed though
IcymossAMEN BROTHER wide gang
TheNewKingBretgoing to my other shiny target to many people here >.>
ngoomieaka fat
ngoomiebut wide
ngoomiei am kinda short