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ngoomiei was imagining across the face and just like a kinda mid-force slap
TheNewKingBreti do light tap on the arm of something
PG55Bret why are you thinking?
PG55my mom would slap me if i didnt slap her for a million dollars
ngoomieyeah mine too lmao
ngoomieshe would probably be like "oh hell yeah dude"
Icymossbro she would kill me if I didnt slap her for that much
TheNewKingBretand where does it have be
ngoomiePG55 my mom would probably let me slap her if a million dollars was involved
TheNewKingBrethow hard ?
Tripb85whos gonna tell him
PG55would you slap your mother for a million dollars?
IcymossI would shiny hunt an eevee if Cent had global PC
Tripb85jokes on you i have no friends
TheNewKingBretI would do centennial if they had a global pc
PG55would you shoot your best friend in a lethal spot for a billion dollars?
Tripb85and i'd do a whole lot more than kill for a centennial global pc
Eliminationistits so annoying not having them innit!!
PG55id kill for a lot of things
Tripb85i would kill for buyable repels in centennial lol
Eliminationistpurple left!
Eliminationistjust found the red
Tripb85i think i still have the purple and red oricorio unless i gave them back to my friend
PG55hi, Jane!
✏JaneJewelThe ghost one.
✏JaneJewelYes. I think its everywhere, but at night...
Tripb85oh so it is a night encounter
FoxMan_FFOh, and Keclekid
Tripb85it took me a little while t get them all too
✏JaneJewelAt night.
FoxMan_FFwhy, oh why, does the normal egg rate have to have SO MANY different Pokemon in it? I only really need two from this area- Fomantis and Diglett
Eliminationistthank you so much!
Tripb85purple is found on prima cloud and sky port
TheNewKingBretand my shiny duster
FoxMan_FFY'know, I thought I was done with hatching eggs, but the Bustling Borough proved me DEAD wrong
SquareRootOfPotatothen ig to dottler
Tripb85and the pruple is uh
PG55not Mycerial
Tripb85red oricorio is on secura cloud
ngoomiei should prob finish up in harsholme before i go to another region but easter island is too alluring
PG55i wanna shinyhunt Skowl and ONLY Skowl
PG55is there a way to filter encounters?
Tripb85ok uh
TheNewKingBretwhy not both
Eliminationistiv got the pink and yellow ones
Tripb85what forms are you missing
EliminationistHi can anyone pls help, im trying to catch these damn oricorios for the guy in cloudia. I caught 2 pretty easily from the top 2 clouds on the map but now these other 2 just aren't spawning at all. Are they night only or something, or is the spawn rate just rly low?
Tripb85i was talking to bret not you pg lol
xsweatersxwhy not both
TheNewKingBretwelcome back pg55
Tripb85one that plays smash with their bros and the other that smashes their bros
Tripb85there are 2 kinds of people in the world
PG55every region has a name
Tripb85wdym by that
PG55what are the game names of the Pokengine regions?
TheNewKingBreti get smashed
Tripb85anyone here play smash
ngoomiethat's ok it just makes that joke even funnier frankly
TheNewKingBretbilver my fav pokemon game
SquareRootOfPotatoburger bing boot bettuce
ngoomieyeah lol
Tripb85wait you meant game boy
Eliminationistbumber bifteen
Eliminationistbokemon bilver
Tripb85ah yes pokemon gold and bilver
Bubby7474It makes more sense once you learn that the item ID of a burn heal is the same item ID of a gen 1 moonstone
ngoomiei love how buggy the GB games are
PG55and the hisuian pokeball is worse than a normal pokeball
Tripb85a burn heal
Tripb85it was coded wrong so it has higher catch rate on pokemon that evolved with burn heal
PG55it simply didnt work
PG55a moon ball was completely useless in GSC
Krownocsahhh thank you very much!
Bubby7474If you check on the site, you can see the exact friendship value and friendship evos are at 220 friendship
Eliminationistyou can look at happiness bar on the website on your pofile
Eliminationistusually somewhere between 220 and 225
Bubby7474Thank you!
Krownocswhat friendship stage do I need for eevee to evolve? the girl just tells me it's starting to get comfy around me
PG55its programmed to not ALWAYS catch, but to have an astronomically small chance of failure
Tripb85imagine finding a shiny mesprit or other roaming pokemon and you throw a master ball just to have 1/65536 chance to fail
Bubby7474Shiny Dustar!