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ngoomiethat makes it sound like it must be some sort of off-by-one error
ngoomiethe funny computer number
al0704when will rica update?
PG55its a 1/65536 chance
SquareRootOfPotatoagainst whiscash
Eliminationisttf is this spawn rate for oricorios in cloudia man
Tripb85it what
PG55a Master ball can actually fail
PG55(said PG, even knowing that he used ChatGPT)
PG55thank you
SquareRootOfPotatoyou actually did it
PG55...and thats how i did that
ngoomiehae hee
SquareRootOfPotatonow explain it to the class
PG55i calculated
PG55almost 4.242641
DaltonisWell since 'Potato' is a singular item, it's just a square root of 1 (potato)
ngoomiei can think of at least 3
ngoomiei guess there unironically are multiple ways you could get a number out of the word "potato"
PG55itll take some time
PG55im calculating
ngoomieb-but i'm just curious!!!
SquareRootOfPotatothat sounds like a threat???
PG55lemme see
ngoomiewhat IS the square root of potato anyways............
TheNewKingBretshiny hunt buddy :3
PG55hi, sqrt(potato)!
SquareRootOfPotatoIm at 4.4k encounters....
FoxMan_FFwelp, time to run in circles for an hour ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
PG55and 2 hours
PG55437 billion years
PG55itll ttake some time
FoxMan_FFI love Legendary eggs. Taking it out of the bag and having the game say "it'll take an UNBELIEVABLE amount of time to hatch" is fun
PG55one Ultra ball?
TheNewKingBretI can trade you one if needed
PG55ill fight 3 or 4 Lost souls to get some Ultras
Roxion13why is there a special set archeops in the battle tower thingy
PG55i just need some balls
PG55found a normal one
TheNewKingBretyea upward hill area
TheNewKingBretI  can trade a normal one too but you should found one fast here
ngoomiei have no idea why but running around in the hub world brings back very hazy memories of playing ub funkeys for me
PG55does it appear in a specific area of the backwoods?
PG55now i just need Skowl
PG55found it
PG55but Trawl is just to complete the dex
TheNewKingBretI trade a trawlossus normal form if needed
PG55Skowl yes
TheNewKingBretshiny ones?
Icymossyea hes in an orange hat and pink eye shadow
PG55me? Trawlossus and Skowl
Tripb85when she asks what character you wanna be and stuff
RezzyTheGamerIs harminth a one time encounter?
TheNewKingBretwhat looking for?
PG55hi Bret
Tripb85she is during the little intro sequence
PG55no, she isnt
Icymossin boro shes a witch
PG55thats normal Zeppelina
Icymossthe lady in the loading screen
ngoomieno chaosjoker it autosaves
Tripb85you what
PG55Halloween Zeppelina?
chaosjokerdo i need to save before exiting?
Icymossi've seen halloween Zepplina so much, can i even call her cute anymore...
xsweatersxalso you die in real life
Icymossit puts you back to the pick a region screen
TheNewKingBretyou just lose all your mons
PG55what happens if i reset a region without getting out of it?
Icymossgood to know its based and cool tho
Icymossim keeping it a secret >:) so im surprised
Tripb85its 3rd yeah
TheNewKingBretmorning form duster or skowl. welcome back PG55
Icymossthats brokensteins evo right?
Tripb85yo why does shiny cadastrophe go so hard
PG55im back