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DaltonisOof it's been a while but the TM's are usually either in visible spots or hidden behind buildings
Tripb85what types are the gym leaders and where are all the tms in the towns
Tripb85not really an issue but i haev 2 questions
FoxMan_FFI am SO SICK of getting Yolken and Peritwinkle eggs
DaltonisTrip what's the issue?
Tripb85one of them has a secret thing
Tripb85after you beat her interact with the graves
Tripb85stinkygoldy theres a secret in agatha room
StinkyGoldybit underlevelled for lance and the champion, but i should be fine
StinkyGoldyi am about to beat agatha
Tripb85i need help with something
Tripb85has anyone here beaten centennial valley
PG55or smth like that
xsweatersxkeep them away from the mega beedrillite
PG55i once had a beehive in my restroom
xsweatersxoh terrifying
StinkyGoldyi had two wasps in my living room this morning
PG55can we swap contries?
xsweatersxgod i wish
PG55i leave my room and its 20 degrees hotter
xsweatersxmy computer is cooking me
xsweatersxbruh not my stupid ass leaving my room, walking outside, and thinking. huh its like 10 degrees cooler in here
DaltonisAlso, of note, to fly to work you can't be in fullscreen
NyraKyteoh are you on mobile?
DaltonisCan't even click on the Harbour?
tepig28Fly is weird. Apparently it is broken on mobile but works on PC
DaltonisThe Fly points in HS are a bit limited
Gally2Ballydid you teach it to a pkmn?
Shrewstormfly still not working
Eliminationistoh does it?
NyraKytecant fly to all points. only certain places can. Either that or try refresing if you just got fly
PG55it does
Eliminationistfly doesnt work yet bro
Shrewstormnot working
PG55Harminth is not respawning
NyraKyteleft click point on map
Shrewstormbro how do i use fly
NyraKytei dont remember if the souls level scales before or after you beat count. but i do recall hearing the souls do tend to scale at somepoint
Eliminationistwhich is the alolan bird the guy asks for in cloudia for the 4th rod challenge?
PG55now i just need 2
PG55i used to need to battle 5 to get a Ultra Ball
NyraKytethere ya go Skur got you
PG55does the Lost Souls start paying more when you have better mons?
Eliminationistdo or do not there is no fly
Eliminationistthere is no fly
Shrewstormhow does one use fly
Eliminationisti think it's a reference to the short story by Edgar Allan Poe "A Tell Tale Heart"
EraserRabbitNyra, I did and I have not gotten help. I will try pinging. Thank you@
PG55why is there a heart in the Counts floor?
NyraKytedid u try posting in Gltiches-bugs tab, and not submitting a bug report? They tend to help wmore on that.
Tripb85eraserrabbit try to ping a mod on discord
DaltonisEraser you might want to just catch one of the mods on Discord directly
PG55will it respawn?
Killergunfuryok Harminth is in the floor
PG55im out of balls
PG55found it
Killergunfuryyou do know where the counts bedroom is right pg?
EliminationistTrawlossus is in the back forest at the top near the grave where you can see the stars in the sky
Killergunfuryyes PG the counts bedroom
EraserRabbitI picked up the card key in silph co in retro kanto and then my game disconnected. Now the card is neither in my inventory or on the overworld.
KillergunfuryEraser whats tyhe bug
KillergunfuryCrystabrawl you gotta get the dudes pokemon and find him out front
EraserRabbitHow long do we typically have to wait to get assistance with a bug report? I cannot proceed with retro kanto any further due to this bug and it has been 2 days while other people who have posted after me have gotten their issues addressed.
Killergunfuryso is Skowl
KillergunfuryTraw is out back
PG55Counts bedroom?
PG55Trawlossus, Skowl and Crystabrawl too
Killergunfurycounts bedroom in the floor
Killergunfuryoh thats easy
PG551 of them is harminth
Killergunfuryyou including Gobblin in those 4?
PG55and Gobblin
PG55Indedee and 3 more
Killergunfurywhat 4 mons pg
PG554 mons
Killergunfurywhat 3 mons pg
PG55im missing 3 mons
tepig28Healing forces the game to save your progress
Killergunfuryi left to play something else
Shrewstormyou crashed then you lost them?
Killergunfuryi lost fly and electrizer cause i never healed
PG55killer theres not a single place in the world where its 11:47
Shrewstormwhy did you tell me to heal