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xsweatersxidk ngoomie just sounds like a tiny tiny person name
xsweatersxtried to see if they fit in a claw game machine. got stuck. F ngoomie
PG55to you and the people watching and hearing about
Icymossfell off a cliff well dressed as a clown
ngoomiewould be legendary to be remembered for dying in a "hold my beer" kinda moment
NyraKytefunny to who?
PG55you choose
Tripb85like what funny way
ngoomiei have a feeling i will anyways
ngoomiein a very funny way tbh
PG55would you rather die peacefully or in a very funny way?
NyraKyteIf i can choose the how and when. then be killed. naturally sounds random and painful
ngoomielike you could die naturally in your sleep and you probably wouldn't really experience anything too horrible in the process
PG55just choose how
PG55you will die
TheNewKingBretour time is on a count down already
ngoomieboth can be either very painful or totally peaceful
ngoomieok so that's a very complex one
TheNewKingBretdont real care
IcymossNaturally in a weird way
PG55would you rather die naturally or be killed?
NyraKyteid have my friend shoot me. theyd know better how to shoot non-lethally. knowing me, id prolly end up dealing a fatal shot D:
TheNewKingBretwhat people call "water bugs are really roach"
PG55a non-lethal spot
ngoomiesame as tripb85
Tripb85depends on where im shooting/get shot
NyraKyteDo you get to choose said friend?
NyraKyteif even 1 roach gets away, its gunna end in a infestation, a person.. its not specified if this is a hostile person, stranger, family memeber. could be a nephew playing hide and seek
PG55would you rather shoot your friend or be shot by your friend?
ngoomiethat sounds actually quite funny
ngoomieoh i didn't realize the swear filter replaced them with pokemon names
xsweatersxironically, the censor made that say ''i burmying hate bugs'' very funny
ngoomieso probably a person
ngoomietho realistically as much as i like bugs that would make me flip
IcymossPerson frfr
TheNewKingBretmost house have roackes already. so the bugs
Tripb85i woopering hate bugs
xsweatersxi realised after thinking for an extra second hahaha
Tripb85id rather find a person
ngoomiei will keep the roaches as pets
xsweatersxright yeah
PG55you you rather find 100 roaches or a person in your closet?
Tripb85thats to get mightiro
ngoomiethere's a hammer one too
xsweatersxwait no. are you in harsholme or borovia
xsweatersxevo item for granityke
peacewingor is that spoilers?
IcymossI wrote all my friends birthdays down
ngoomiethank god he's keen to remind me
peacewingwhat's the rusty blade for?
ngoomiei can't even remember my boyfriend's
ngoomiei say all the time that i probably wouldn't remember my own birthday if it weren't for the fact that i have to write it down all the time
xsweatersxthe only birthdays i remember are my moms and siblings. most years...
TheNewKingBretnot loyal friends will give you money
ngoomiegod and having to remember their birthdays
Tripb85lol same
ngoomiethat too lmao
PG55i would just ask them to give me 2 dollars each
TheNewKingBreti would go crazy trying to remeber thier names
ngoomiei'm relatively introverted so that would kill me
PG55id have 1000000 friends
ngoomiei couldn't handle having 1 mil friends
IcymossBUT POTATOS! all you need BBY
ngoomieyou need fat and other things too
IcymossOnly rabbit doesnt have the vitamins humans need to survive
PG55you you rather have 100000 dollars or 1000000 loyal friends
ngoomierabbits are pretty lean aren't they
Tripb85huh interesting
IcymossFun fact! If you only eat rabbit you would starve to death with a full gut
PG55id kill a baby for a skittles
ngoomieas long as it wasn't so hard as to give the baby shaken baby syndrome or smth
ngoomieoh hell yeah i would
ngoomiebut at the same time that's the sort of weird rayquaza my OCD loves to throw at me as an invasive thought so i'm weirdly not too phased
Tripb85would you slap a newborn baby for 10 trillion dollars
RezzyTheGamercan we please have free infinite repel. i hate doing puzzles and get interrupted every 10 steps lol
ngoomieyeah me too tbh
xsweatersxthat made me physically reel
PG55(it is alive and wont die until you finish
IcymossPotato you gained a insane lisp???
ngoomiea thousand isn't that much
PG55would you eat a rabbit alive for a thousand dollars?
ngoomiemy mom would probably want a higher reward for that
SquareRootOfPotatoim channeling my inner mike tyson
PG55my mom would let me shoot her on a non-lethal spot for a million
Tripb85oh i dont have the oricorio anymore sorry
TheNewKingBretarm or something