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Araima, Jext ★, FunkyMonkey243, Greywhoose, OutragousCake, Sincubus, nagesaki, tetrislicious, Shokie, ShaLi, Sleepyhead, RiFoun, marcusm10116, Nguyen7531, marseeyah, TheDrone95, LPpikachu, CheeseGuy, MisterLight55, CocoMummy25, MrSleepy, Nuget, RezzyTheGamer, Pascal5001, angstyx, Drazzy, Nebraska94, Pibboy_04, Pokebio, Jariii, Iglu, Alb, Elek, berberokaa, Mattmew, Icem, Zaxarone, Kuechenhubert, Killergunfury, Debadeend, Tyinyk, Salthunter001, Capurizor
Leo412aits my first day here and im already loving the game lol
Killergunfuryonly way to get it is to go to the lighthouse
Novengerwhere to get it
Zigzalalr ready?
imaBOXi love peperoni pizza
Killergunfuryyou need a key
imaBOXits only peperoni pizza
PG55its just bread cheese and tomato sause
Novengerhi i asked you wheres the church
wheresandshrewI'm like pizza!
ViralMagnumTyphlothat's completly understandable
imaBOXi like my schools pizza
imaBOXi dont really like pizza
ZeroStarKaiwhenever you're ready to find mew come to celedon
PG55its so bad...
imaBOXi dont know abt pizza...but sure
PG55i wont even safe that thing
DiamondseekSo does talking with them insumes
imaBOXi love frence fries
Zigzallets go got missingno
Novengerwhere's the church kill...
AraimaOk so I'm not crazy.  I think it sounds fine
StinkyGoldyi don't even want french fires tbh
ViralMagnumTyphloagreed with diamond, however...
insumesdoes letting your guys out of the ball help with friendship
DaltonisI there a chalkboard feature here?
DiamondseekSounds extremely unhealthy, so it's a no brainer
PG55the more i look at what ive done, the worse it looks
imaBOXperchance i shall
&0verL0rdwhy not
Novengeralready did, they taste good
AraimaQuestion: would you try french fires on pizza?
Novengerwhere do i find the rats
Novengerlook so goofy lol
insumeshow much friendship do i need to evolve eggcite
Killergunfurythen do rat quest in town
legixtmNo one starts good
PG5530 minutes to make half a head
Killergunfuryevolve ur crab Nov
PG55i suck at pixel art
Killergunfurywhat did you realize pg
PG55i reralized something
PG55after 30 minutes of studying pixel art and spriting
ZeroStarKaiFirst, fly to celedon city
ZeroStarKaiyou asked where mew was
Killergunfuryevolve crab
Killergunfuryleaf stone
Novengeri was looking for the obliterats just now
ZeroStarKaiAlright Zigzal I'm on my way
Killergunfurydid you do rat quest?
Killergunfuryother north
Killergunfurynot that north
Killergunfuryor complete rat story quest
imaBOXi got an ad-
Killergunfurygo north of town
Novengerhow do i progress further
Killergunfuryyou need to progress in story
Novengershow me
Araimaheres a clip to brighten your day:
dylancadencaden is related to retigga he goes to school with him ban him now quick quizk q
Killergunfuryobliterat is in church
DaltonisKiller I'm just tired if this damn shiny not appearing
Novengerim looking for obliterat's
Novengerin hampshire
Novengerim at that town