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&KingTapiri had lots of help with coding, but i'm pretty fluent now all things considered
KillergunfuryHarsholme has an amazing map
TheNewKingBretdid the other dev help you code at all?
Killergunfurynoob at map making?????
&KingTapiri'd started making maps for lonava but my limited experience meant i couldn't fulfil the vision i had in my head for it
PokebioI had plans for a while of makign a region so pokengine is perfect , but sice I'm a noob at map making first I'll make a simpler rzgion
&KingTapiri started working on lonava 3 years ago, then 2 years ago i decided to start harsholme first. it was designed to be a tester region, something smaller where i could learn to code
TheNewKingBretthat's great!
Pokebiooh that's great
ViralMagnumTyphlothat's awesome uwu
&KingTapirbut i was invited to join and never left lol
&KingTapiri hadn't ever thought about making a region until i played pokengine
PokebioI meant you must be determinated
Killergunfuryoooo a music festival
PokebioYou are determinated to make a rgion
Pokebiothat's so cool
MultiOh, interesting
TheNewKingBretreally? that so cool
Killergunfurymake a 1000 trash quest just to torture us lol
&KingTapirwhich you'll see reflected in the game
&KingTapirthere's currently a huge festival happening there as we speak
&KingTapirthe entire region is based on a town called glastonbury in england
&KingTapirthank you <3
&KingTapirbut i know what it'll all look like!
&KingTapiri haven't started on any of the maps yet so it'll take a fair few years lol
Killergunfuryyou also have cool designs
Pokebiolonava is coming too no wa
TheNewKingBretthe egg glitch counter? are talking about that
Killergunfuryi love it, i cant wait for Lonava to come out
Pokebioharshmole is so cool
KillergunfuryKingTapir you made Harsholme right?
TheNewKingBretno worries
Pokebiooh probably
★Azria ★it was drabanshee i think
Vorngeah.... the decision of reading the dialogues im harsholme or mashing them away to run for the bling on the ground
TheNewKingBretwhat your problem?
TheNewKingBret??? i dont think so?
Pokebiobret didn't you have the same problem for easter island?
Pokebioalso who made thsi region?
★Azria ★time to punish larrel
Pokebiothank you so much guys
&KingTapirplease resume
&KingTapirokay thank you!
&KingTapirbut i love him, so i forgive him
&KingTapiri blame larrel
&KingTapirso why it wasn't defined in the error code.... weird
Killergunfuryim running on 30 fps rn
&KingTapirso it's clearly logging the amount of eggs
Pokebiothey told me that I hatched 40 eggs
&KingTapircan you tell me what they say
Pokebioplease do
&KingTapiri can teleport you there
ViralMagnumTyphlothe'res always there lol
&KingTapirthank you!
Pokebiosure I can go there
&KingTapirafter you've finished battling, there's a person in the village that can tell you how many eggs you've hatched
&KingTapircan you do me a favour
NyraKyteAnd Azria uses cakes
&KingTapirhey pokebio
★Azria ★and harvest them
★Azria ★thats how she traps people
TheNewKingBretthank you azria for the help
&KingTapirleaving you in a limbo
&KingTapirfuzzy had stacked a solid beneath a surf tile
Killergunfurythanks Azria
&KingTapiri fixed the weird rica bug
Killergunfuryi was in the hub lol
DaltonisA page refresh worked to undo it tho
★Azria ★what region were u in killer
darkeryetdarkeri love when i beat a fight and i have to redo it bc i disconnect right when i finished it
DaltonisI got stuck there a couple times when trying to go on land
TheNewKingBretyea i see that Daltonis lol
KillergunfuryAzria kidnapped me help
DaltonisThe lake/river before the swamp is a bit buggy in Rica
TheNewKingBretshould i try again?
★Azria ★i was sure i right clicked bret to teleport but then chat scrolled and accidentally clicked on killer
&KingTapirthank you
TheNewKingBretwe are in rica
ViralMagnumTyphloi do, did you got the skeleton key and unlocked the room in the middle in the second floor?
&KingTapirwhat map are we even on
Killergunfurywhat do you want Azria
★Azria ★wrong person
Killergunfuryburmy me ;-;
BogerbogAnyone know how to get under the manor?
TheNewKingBretmove me again please
&KingTapirit's done it before
&KingTapirit's something about that tile