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PG55Knock off?
Suki_Dreemurrwell, is there a knock off tm?-
Killergunfury*talks to everyone in wilderoot*
&KingTapirafraid not
Suki_Dreemurris there a way to make pokemon remember moves here?
DaltonisYeah and I think you can buy it from a guy at the Harbour eventually
&KingTapiryou can also buy them eventually
&KingTapiryou get a free one in wilderoot village
DaltonisNo clue
DaltonisIn Rica?
Killergunfurywhere da leaf stone
KillergunfuryDaltonis you see like a smart individual
DaltonisThis really is a Junji Ito manga
Suki_Dreemurri did them over and over and leveled from my failures
&KingTapiraz :sob:
DaltonisHoly hippowdon
TheNewKingBretfeel weird being watch tho
Suki_Dreemurrlack of exp
PG55why cant i physically beat the NPCs?
TheNewKingBretyea shiny hunting this thing agian
DaltonisWelcome to the Cliff of Pain Bret
Killergunfuryquests are amazing
Killergunfurybest part about Harsholme is everything
TheNewKingBretummm not again
&KingTapiri'll put more quests into the contest event section
PG55just suffer
PG55but no exp
Pokebiothat's so much fun every year it's different
Killergunfuryadd more like it in Lonava
MultiOh, that would be fun
Killergunfuryawww thats a nice quest line
Suki_Dreemurrshowdown did something i admire. they replaced every pokemon sprite with a meme version
PG55and make all encounters lv 100
Suki_Dreemurrno thats just evil
ViralMagnumTyphlothat means 1500 regular trash
PG55if i had a region, id make all pokecenters stop working for 24 hs in april fools
Araimayou know what game I haven't played in a long time..?  Bunny Must Die..
★Azria ★300 trash = 1 gold trash. 5 gold trash = golden shiny of your choice
MultiShiny trash :sparkle:
DaltonisIt's gotta be like the Breath of the Wild Korok Seed reward
★Azria ★1 gold trash
Pokebiowith my luck only 299 will appear
PG55just that?
★Azria ★whats the reward
MultiGood luck
&KingTapir300 trash quest for april fools day only
Killergunfuryi have 1 route planned out....
MultiDarker, that's just evil lol
Killergunfuryim gonna go back to working on my region
MultiWeird, Aromatick is pretty nice
PG55Tapir will you make any April fools joke in Harsholme?
darkeryetdarkerPG55 to make the golden shiny idea more funny all of the golden caught on that day turn back to normal mons
Suki_Dreemurrthe common Azria jumpscare
Pokebiopoor aromatick
Suki_Dreemurroh what the
&KingTapirpoor guy
&KingTapiri don't think there's any i dislike, but people don't like aromatick lmao
Pokebioit's suppsoed to be funny not sad
PG55*all mons are Bidoof*
&KingTapiri love all of them equally teehee
PG55another idea
Suki_Dreemurror the whole day a shiny bidoof follows you around..
PG55during 24 hs, all mons are golden shinies
DaltonisHow can a God not love all His creations equally
PG55i just thought about a great April fools joke
Pokebiotapir what is your favorite and your msot hated mon of marshole?
&KingTapirgiving away your starter? cruel
Killergunfuryand a Lampire
&KingTapirit's 1/1000 everywhere
Killergunfurysomeone traded me a fly mon
PG55Tapir can you change shiny odds in Harsholme?
&KingTapirdid u get another
TheNewKingBretDaltonis im done rica going be shining hunt it again soon
DaltonisI'm in a Junji Ito manga
KillergunfuryKingTapir can i have hm for fly in Harsholme, i lost it after disconnecting
DaltonisThis is so cursed
DaltonisThey just get bigger every time I reset the encounter
PG55now every mon has the worst nature
PG55thatd be a great April Fools prank
DaltonisIt's growing 😭
&KingTapiras opposed to the strongest
&KingTapirthe gullutton's nature is now randomised
PG55Tapir, if you want, can you make all mons have serious nature?