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NixcelpixSi, es el
pou_tacticotyphlosion eres tu :v?
pou_tacticoaca no me llaman mahoraga, pero toco adaptarse
NixcelpixPou_tactico, acostumbrate jaja
TheNewKingBreti want shiny mew next lol
pou_tacticomucho texto
Exerbut ill need to region reset
darkeryetdarkerngl that is always im brain while hunting just thinking if i will just get a golden out of nowhere
Exerbut after the update
Exerim planning to do the same
pou_tacticoahora me siento como un anciano :P
TheNewKingBretwatch it end being gold lol
NixcelpixIgual paso tiempo Pou
Exerhow many encounters so far
pou_tacticolas unicas personas que reconozco son nix y los moders
Exerhunting for shiny gulluton?
NixcelpixHere leveling up an teasure for M o n e y
TheNewKingBrethow are you?
NixcelpixOh nice!
TheNewKingBrethunting a gullutton and watching something lol
NixcelpixHow are you KingBret?
NixcelpixHi KingBret!
pou_tacticoeh vuelto baby
pou_tacticooh yeah 😎
NixcelpixPou Tactico
pou_tacticobuenas :D
pou_tacticoi always come back
Icymossok thanks! enjoy the max speed diglet ;)
JesstroyerNah too many fairy types
JesstroyerMuch obliged
Icymossyou want the bird back???
JesstroyerSorry icy miss my internet went brrrr
Icymossyou want the diglet???
RezzyTheGamerone of my favourite genders
RezzyTheGamerwe like big bird
Icymossah yes, big bird lol
JesstroyerOn my way
Icymossim in the egg main square
xsweatersxok thanks sam. will keep an eye open for them
Icymoss1 sec
JesstroyerSure where you at?
TheNewKingBretim kinda of afk while hunting this thing
JesstroyerCus at this point I just wanna buy them
IcymossI can trade a Diglet with you if you want
JesstroyerIs it yellow or purple eggs?
TheNewKingBretit does look dope
samwichconlimonI know of leaf stone and shiny stone evos
ViralMagnumTyphlogood luck finding them
ViralMagnumTyphlothe're a few scattered on the floor or hidden
Icymossthats all
xsweatersxdoes anyone know if theres any stone evos in rica right now? picking up a lot of stones but no stone evos yet apart from one sun stone evo
Icymossits just eggs in the burrow
JesstroyerDoes anyone know how to get that dugtrio in the burrow? I've been hatching eggs for hours and it still hasn't shown up