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legixtm10/10 would egg again
Sincubusmy brain is telling me yes, but my body, my body is telling me egg
legixtmMy brain was telling me my egg would hatch soon and as soon as I finished the thought it did
GemWolfZ"it was slight tomfoolery" :skull:
FogWellParty Time!
ZeroStarKaiguy (allegedly) sent racist gifs while (supposedly) drunk, got muted and banned, now his friend is fighting for his honor
TheNewKingBretwhat time?
TheNewKingBretwait what????
ZeroStarKailooked at main chat, apparently some guy got executed in the server earlier
TheNewKingBretI think i prison it. when i battled it
TheNewKingBretdamn good luck to you
legixtmIt's pretty nice that the fights are tough through just being higher level
RezzyTheGamer20 levels behind
RezzyTheGamerkilling lund
TheNewKingBretRezzy what are you up?
TheNewKingBretaww thank you
RezzyTheGamerwe missed you
TheNewKingBreti missed anything?
YohKaiDo i need aurf to get white flabebe in safari?
DiamondseekThe AI sucks balls, you can get away with a lot
AlroJust kicked his ass 15 levels behind
ZeroStarKaiyou can also drag the item to the game screen or press space to go into keyboard selection mode
DaltonisRight clicking obviously
Diamondseekin Beta*
RezzyTheGamerhow do you guys grind for lund?
DiamondseekIt do be a Beta
GemWolfZyeah this is a buggy game. very playable but quite buggy
DaltonisOhh are you sure you're clicking directly on the Outfit Bag?
ZeroStarKaijust go ask in the help channel
DaltonisBut if refreshing the page doesn't work then you might want to talk up the mods on the Discord
DaltonisHmm the devs said a while back that some new players can get buggy
wheresandshrewMaybe no buy outfit yet?
ZeroStarKaiask about it in the discord, see what the mods have to say
GothMilk69nothing happens
wheresandshrewIt work me? Am confusion.
ZeroStarKaiyou should be able to use it as an item
wheresandshrewTry right click?
ZeroStarKaihm, that's odd
GothMilk69nothing happened after refreshing
ZeroStarKaitry refreshing
GemWolfZmaybe you need to refresh? idk
GothMilk69I click on it and clothing happens, just close option
ZeroStarKaiuse the outfit bag
GothMilk69How do I change clothes
RezzyTheGamerwhere is the harsholme final guy?
YohKaiDoes the power items have effect in ev?
DaltonisWe will have to see when they implement it
GemWolfZbreeding isnt implemented yet
YohKaiDoes the breeding same as pokemmo or there's a unique mechanic?
wheresandshrewAuction Pokemon need 31 IV sell or no buy.
wheresandshrewOh no. Everyone have 31 IV all stats when Breed? Me am sad that.
DaltonisDevs said breeding might be out somewhere near Easter next year
GemWolfZbreeding doesnt exist yet, and static encounters are bugged to be pretty much all shinylocked rn, it's being worked on though
DaltonisI don't understand fully I'm afraid
YohKaiRetro kanto? Static snorlax?
GemWolfZyeah encounters are the only thing guaranteed to work rn lmao
DaltonisYohKai where is what?
wheresandshrewIn Battle Tower Battle Factory!
GothMilk69Best shiny hunting method in game currently?
wheresandshrewCheck HUB candy!
wheresandshrewBattle Factory good no mon, Battle Tower good if 3 good train mon!
YohKaiWhere is that?
GemWolfZretro kanto is a complete remake of red/blue which is pretty fun if youre into that. Also missingno is obtainable (based)
DaltonisI recommend joining the Discord and checking in on the Announcment tab from now and then
YohKaiWell i guess I'll continue my shiny hunt in snorlax when the issues has fix
DaltonisYeah wait a couple days for Easter Island probably
wheresandshrewYohkai, 1 BP take away all EV one stat! Easy buy!
ViralMagnumTyphloimagine my frustration
ViralMagnumTyphloi spent 1 year there
DaltonisRica is really cool as well although it isn't finished as of this moment
GemWolfZeggs are currently broken (shinylocked) so easter island is not reccomended if youre shiny hunting
DaltonisIt's fully completed, doesn't take THAT much time and isn't all that grindy
GothMilk69Thank you, also i'm a shiny hunter. What are the odds in this game
DaltonisIf you don't know where to start Harsholme is a decent spot I think
DaltonisGothMilk just go with the flow tbh
ViralMagnumTyphlopatience is a virtue, read text may lead some clues
YohKaiBut I don't want to spend 6k on 1 ev in sp. Atk lololol
GothMilk69 I'm brand new, can anyone give any tips?
DaltonisLooks like we needed big numbers and some brain storming to help the devs dig deeper into the problem
YohKaiWell that's bad i guess now i know that im not unlucky lol
TheNewKingBretwell going afk i have to go to the story
Nixcelpixat least the first page