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ViralMagnumTyphloyou WOOOOOOOOSH
ViralMagnumTyphloalso quick research
ViralMagnumTyphloyou're right*
NixcelpixYup you have reason
NixcelpixHold on lets me do a reserach
ViralMagnumTyphloafter a battle it displayed a "you picked up $amount"
NixcelpixReally? i was thinking was a Mandela Effect about that
ViralMagnumTyphlobut it work and always worked in wild battles in the core games
ViralMagnumTyphloor something
ViralMagnumTyphlopay day it's literally a promedy of your pokemon level
NixcelpixAt least i know...
ViralMagnumTyphloit's pay day
NixcelpixWild doesnt give you money
NixcelpixIn wild battles or trainer battles?
ViralMagnumTyphloit does not increase my money
ZeroStarKaiaight as soon as I clear the rock gym I'm going back to kanto
darkeryetdarkerwell it is your choice
ZeroStarKaichat, should I spend an unreasonable amount of time getting missingnos so I can get rich from the auction?
darkeryetdarkerso gonna ask are the neo sinnoh startes shinylocked? [bc i don't want to waste my time on a hunt that isn't posible]
ViralMagnumTyphlorefresh to apply changes
Nixcelpixi will test it
NixcelpixWork now
AlroIt's (N)
ViralMagnumTyphloLET'S A GOOOO
ViralMagnumTyphlodoes pay day is a tm in retro kanto? can't remember
NixcelpixOk, time to farm money in Retro Kanto
ZeroStarKaifinally caught an abra for sinnoh
TidalCubeAight! ^^
rand0mpineI'll chat with ya ater!
NixcelpixThanks i will reefrshe RoughKnight!
TidalCubeAight, be safe mate
rand0mpinehey tidal, imma hop off for now
✏RoughKnightNugget Fling Fixed
ViralMagnumTyphloit's been so long... i finally can use you... FLOPPA
ZeroStarKaimake sure you actually get into the hall of Fame first
ViralMagnumTyphlotake a cold one (?)
NyraKyteif u just beat the elite four refresh
ViralMagnumTyphlothen refresh the page
AlroI just beat the champ
ZeroStarKaiBeat Champion Blue
Nixcelpixbeat E4, and refresh the page
ViralMagnumTyphlodefeat the elite 4
AlroWait, how do i unlock global PC in retro Kanto?
rand0mpineI knoww
ZeroStarKaiIt would've been nice to see agent 4 in game, even as an unimportant npc
ZeroStarKaiA little bit of racism, a desire to resist change
rand0mpineI love side order
ZeroStarKaiSide order's lore is pretty neat
TidalCubeYe lol
TidalCubeI see I see
rand0mpineI sent her a sanatization lore video, we're both listening to it
ZeroStarKaieven the sunken scrolls set the tone real quickly
NixcelpixYou welcome!
ZeroStarKaiit was always hella dark
✏RoughKnightkk I'll look into, thanks Nixcel
rand0mpineyeah lol
ZeroStarKaiare ya'll talking about splatoon lore?
TidalCubethe lore is darker than I thought and lol
NixcelpixAnd no error appear
NixcelpixNugget fling freeze my game
rand0mpinewe're at the same spot lol
ViralMagnumTyphloi got one in rica for playing the cowboys
NixcelpixGold Breaker, Pay Day, Nugget Fling and Soul Chomp
darkeryetdarkergonna ask are the neo sinnoh starters shinylocked?
NixcelpixFinally Drenchest lvl 55
ZeroStarKai"and sell pokemon" meanwhile my missingnos in the auction
NixcelpixIs possible get amulet coin in retro kanto?
Exerillegally ofc
TidalCubei thoguht that was nurse joy x-x
Exeror become team rocket and sell pokemon
Daltonis"Aaand Amulet Coin... Everyone loves the Amulet Coin!"
rand0mpinewith the little hat
ZeroStarKaifind a way to smuggle an amulet coin into Kanto, beat blue into dust to become rich
rand0mpinepink lady
✏RoughKnightBecause I'm over 30 and lived in a time before Trump was a known entity
TidalCubewheres this last clown at bruh
TidalCubewheres this last clown at bruh
DaltonisKnight why'd you say it like Trump
✏RoughKnightDrenchest's money moves work nowwww
NixcelpixDrenchest have 3 moves of Money
NixcelpixJust level up Drenchest for it!