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EonArisenno wooper you
Killergunfurynow catch them all shiny in one sitting
TheNewKingBretit when i try to jump out
TheNewKingBretyea stuck again
TheNewKingBretwant to test somethnig
TheNewKingBretstay for second
TheNewKingBretthank you!
Pokebiowithout battling tho
TheNewKingBretgoing reload
Pokebiothank you I can now move on
&KingTapirtry now
TheNewKingBretyea that doesnt work
Pokebiodo /unstuck
TheNewKingBreti would fly out but i cant >.>
ViralMagnumTyphloso if oyu region reset and the counter say you hatched 1020, in my scenario, if i started a new, i must hatch another 40 eggs or more in order to progress
&KingTapiri can just blunt force you through the battle tbf
PokebioI never reseted the region and didn't know you could do that
AlroIs there anywhere i can get defog?
ViralMagnumTyphlowhat i was about to point out is easter region reset still counts how many eggs you hatched in the egg counter but dosen't stack with your current easter island run hatching
★Azria ★ok on my way
★Azria ★what do you need help with
TheNewKingBretlmao but i cant move
★Azria ★im too cute to help
Pokebiothat's the error it gav me when I talked to the npc
TheNewKingBretazria i need your help >.>
&KingTapirdon't do that in this instance
Pokebio==ReferenceError:eggshatched is not defined 1:1
ViralMagnumTyphloregion reset = You nuke the region savefile and start over from scratch
ViralMagnumTyphlookay that awnsers my question, nevermind
Pokebiowhat is region reset?
ViralMagnumTyphlopokebio, question, did you region reset easter?
Pokebioyes I did hatch 40
&KingTapircan you copy and paste the error?
&KingTapirdid you actually hatch them
Pokebiothere's an error popup
&KingTapir"You still need to hatch more Eggs. Come back when you are better prepared."
Pokebioyou still need to hatch more eggs.Come back when you are better prepared
Pokebiothe same thng still
&KingTapirwhat does he say?
&KingTapircan you battle the man?
PokebioI have a bad internet so i think I'm an error magnet
Pokebioalso I had the bug that let me acss early I thught it was normal went to pick some of the flwoers and then report the bug where larrel told me to go back and refresh
gabgabanu22like does it work in the field?
gabgabanu22would static work in trying to get a balanoral?
ViralMagnumTyphlohe is not worthy of the trash (????)
✏JaneJewelYes offense.
&KingTapiri'm investigating
✏JaneJewelAll I see is trash.
TheNewKingBretrica is longer then i thought it would be
Pokebiobut that's weird
★Azria ★they couldnt find trash and looked everywhere so i gave them 3 trash but still didnt work
Pokebiocan you fix it for me please :d
ViralMagnumTyphloyou lack trash
✏JaneJewelHow do you feel about 19th century literary monsters?
&KingTapirit's only at 2
&KingTapiryour event value should be ev[laketrash]=3
jd_123_45guys for harsholme does the starter turn out to be cool
&KingTapiri see the issue
PokebioI have hatched 40 eggs eve tho it requires 30 and the npc still say I need more
&KingTapirso you've done the garden gate quest
&KingTapiri'll check your event values, one sec
Pokebiothe problem is still ongoing
PokebioI'm here
Pokebiogoing to easter island
TheNewKingBretim sorry became a emoji
Pokebiofound it
&KingTapirhello my fellow king
TheNewKingBretim glad to see another royalty here
Pokebiohow do I exit marshmole?
TheNewKingBretim glad another see more royalty around :3
★Azria ★01vb95ez
Pokebiooh azria told me to go ont an other egio nfor a while let me get back to easter island
&KingTapiraz what's the UID
peacewinghow do you use the skymap?
&KingTapirin fact, i encourage it
&KingTapirbut feel free to play harsholme instead!
ViralMagnumTyphlopay your respects uwu
ViralMagnumTyphloKingtapir is a mod and it's the creator of Harhsolme region
TheNewKingBretKingTapir hey
&KingTapiri was coming to inspect your easter island problem
&KingTapirhello !