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Pokebiothey are huge
MultiOh, hi Tapir lol
Pokebiowow who is kingtapir
ViralMagnumTyphlolike with pokeytens you buy normal stuff as potions or stuff, with the trainer tokens you buy the pokemons, the ev training stuff and so on
gabgabanu22thank you!
★Azria ★ends at 05:59
★Azria ★night starts at 20:00
TheNewKingBretrica cut location?
ViralMagnumTyphloTrainer tokens? idk
Pokebiowhat would the ccurency be ?
gabgabanu22what time is considered night?
ViralMagnumTyphlomake that region use a different currency from pokeyens
Pokebioguess I'll starter makign a map for it then
grover20020thats pretty cool
Pokebioto get new pokemon you'd have to buy them
Pokebioeverything would be trainer battle
Pokebiobasically it woudl be a traditional region where you woudln't catch pokemon
Pokebioguys I got a region idea
darkeryetdarkero wait every mons has the same issue lmao
darkeryetdarkerand level up animation is in a loop
darkeryetdarkerim in the bastion and enter falker and my anguiterra just gained a level mid fight
darkeryetdarkerhm well i brokened something lmao
TheNewKingBretif you need if anything feel free to ask. what bug about the trash quest?
DraBansheedokie okie
TheNewKingBretokie dokie
DraBansheeno I want to do it alone is better
samwichconlimonDid someone say trash?
TheNewKingBrettrade me can i meet you at the hub DraBanshee
ViralMagnumTyphloso the trash gathering in the lake got bugged a few weeks ago? damn
DraBansheeso for now my Shiny Togepi is stuck here
DraBansheethats the problem easter island after trash bag quests is bugged so :l
ViralMagnumTyphloyou must finish quests post game
Pokebiobut you gotta get the life bringer
ViralMagnumTyphloit does have global pc
TheNewKingBreteaster island have a global pc
DraBansheeoh... so no... easter still no global okay.
Pokebiohub is easy to et global pc
★Azria ★you can transfer if you unlocked global pc in both regions
DraBansheeis because I have a shiny togepi
Pokebioguess starting a full regon isntead of the mini one might be a great idea
TheNewKingBretHarsholme is great starting point
DraBansheeis it possible to transfer some pokemon to the hub'?
Pokebiois it a traditional or different region?
DraBansheeoh okay thanks for the rec
★Azria ★harsholme is a fun one
DraBansheeWell I don't know whwre to go next I have tried to go to cloudia
★Azria ★i guess you'll have to wait until it is resolved. in the meantime you can explore other regions
DraBansheeI even have around a pokemon around 40's
getrainbownedi love bunfin
grover20020barnub is my new fav pokemon
DraBansheelike I have even somewhat Iv hunt for azurrils
Pokebiobecause I told them that I had aces to the next area before finishing trash
Pokebiolarrel did a fix recenty
★Azria ★i'll let the other staff know
★Azria ★i think something broke
DraBansheeits why I have got more of this area
DraBansheemaybe its the eggs from this area
DraBansheeI have hacthed around 90 eggs but still same problem#
DraBansheedo you have a full team or something`
★Azria ★so you hatched 30 eggs?
TheNewKingBretfreaking scary me azria
Pokebiothe np to acess verdant garden doesn't want to battle even tho I have enough egg and completed the trash quest
Pokebioit so good , I had a lot of fun and hypnode is sick
TheNewKingBretAzria have to be the goat again
★Azria ★what do you need help with
MultiNo way someone else likes Summer Island
Pokebioazria , I'm sorry but once you're done could I get your help please
★Azria ★ok now go get your surf mon back lol
TheNewKingBretthank you azria
grover20020thank you and sorry
PokebioI think summer island
jd_123_45guys what is your favorite region mine is C. Valley
grover20020i cant get onto the platform
grover20020im stuck again
Pokebioand yet they sid that I need to hatch more eggs
PokebioI have hatched 40 eggs and finished the trash quest but they don't want to battle
Pokebiothe npc to acess verdant garden is broken
grover20020id gen 6
Pokebiomy first games were black 2 and X I reiceved both for christmas
Suki_Dreemurri couldnt have chosen a better
Pokebioand what about in pokeengine
Suki_Dreemurrit was my first game