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banddit, angstyx, kyledove ★, ZeroStarKai, JPSylvy, Pluste, Daltonis, fushigino, zwrieger, Sincubus, Shokie, Azria ★, LPpikachu, KingGoosey, Icymoss, Pistolpaul, Miyuron, Primal, Rhazzy, TheNewKingBret, Viccer, xaronex, Nikl, LukeSolas, RandomBaguetteGamer, Jariii, Zoroasther, Araima, Ceamlyn, Capurizor, FunnyRascal, SamKukla, Veyon, TitoCapito, JurassicManager, Lord_Swoop, Enixty, MaskedToast, MrSleepy, IgnisLuna, RoughKnight, BaskOfSoftKitty, Luaos, otter, MDCII, OutragousCake, Diamondseek, Jonatony, Papita321, Betamon, Boo_Cat, ArcanistWolf, Hollowarc, King_Darkrai12, Croyd, M1ntyFr3sh, Kazaam1, KobeSonic, Quagg7, insumes, LynxALot11, Drakfix, Emilycubed, konk, samwichconlimon, GemWolfZ, Iglu
DaltonisHands down gen 5 is the pinnacle of Pokemon
PokebioI don't have a favorite one
Pokebiooh great
Pokebioguys what is your favorite region
grover20020im jesus now i walk on water
EonAriseni walk into a cave. see a face in the darkness
grover20020i put my surf pokemon in the box
EonArisenyeah that's what i was freaking out about too
ZeroStarKaithat is indeed unfortunate
ZeroStarKaisoftlocked yourself HOW, grover?
★Azria ★tax fraud
grover20020i accidently softlocked my self what do i do?
ZeroStarKaiwhatchu you mean by that
TheNewKingBretit wouldnt be first time tho
Pokebioooopsie wanted to nickname
★Azria ★i'll get arrested
Skunkmonkshow me what you got azria
peacewingtime to die
peacewingwish me luck
peacewingtime ta found out i guess
★Azria ★i dont remember
peacewinganyways, does anyone know how many levels the skyscgoomyr has?
peacewingah found it
★Azria ★settings
★Azria ★oh turn off ur swear filter
peacewingwhy does the text look like that
EonAriseni saw azria so close enough ig
peacewinghow many levels does the solemn skyscrayquazar have
DaltonisEon saw the image of God in that team
Pokebioafter this I will never hatch eggs again
EonArisenjesus christ
jd_123_45Guys do I have a good team, Shiny Charizard, Sceptile, Samurott, Alakazam, Dragonite, and Jolteon
EonAriseni feel like i just saw a biblically accurate angel
EonArisendon't look at me w them big ole eyes
EonArisenwht the cleffa.
PokebioI think both
EonArisenis that a threat or a response to what he said
PokebioI wish there was a bike in this game lol , at least this make my quest more satisfying once it's done
Pokebioalong with*
Pokebiooh it gonna be so cool it wil ldefientely go in my global team alogn with hypnode
TheNewKingBrethe gone again
Pokebioiis the life brigner obtainable?
TheNewKingBretfollowing me again
PokebioI need to hatch 8 eggs before I can acess the last zone
Daltonis11111 is actually crazy
TheNewKingBretAzria again >.>
DaltonisYeah they posted a screenshot today on Discord
claushokay i got the pichu, thx again bud ! cool
Pokebiooh okay
Pokebiois that obtainable ?
DaltonisThat boi is on 11111 encounters
DaltonisIF anything Mijalno deserves it the most
PokebioI love the character It looks so goofy in pixel art
Pokebiohello azria
TheNewKingBretyo but is sick shiny. i hope you get it before i do at this point
DaltonisI haven't been outside of this damn cave in like a week at this point lmao
TheNewKingBretneed a break from it lol
claushill try !
TheNewKingBretbeen at for like 3 days
★Azria ★ok claush reload and talk to the surfing nezutama again
ZeroStarKaihell if I know
RezzyTheGamerwhere is the guy?
DaltonisWill you be grinding for it today as well Bret?
ZeroStarKaiincrease ivs when used by the bottle cap guy
RezzyTheGamerwhat do bottle caps do?
DaltonisNa na I'm joking I'm not in a bad mood or anything xD
TheNewKingBretsorry my bad but good luck
Daltonis3609 and nothing
jd_123_45they have such a low cath rate
jd_123_45are so annoying to catch
jd_123_45bro the starters
DaltonisDon't even start dawgg
TheNewKingBretDaltonis any luck today?
gabgabanu22is balanoral only a certain time of day? or just really rare?