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AlroI found same
SamKuklasamwich hunt
AlroSomeone said to go to the church and i did but i didn't actually catch why
SamKuklao almighty pokengine devs make it available through magical means...............................................
Killergunfuryyes you are sam2
Killergunfurysam2 you will never get it
SamKuklaim looking at oceane's roster and god i want a tentalcyon so bad
Killergunfury4 days sam*
samwichconlimonit was like 2 obliterat, a balanoral, and a grimer
GemWolfZleilyne obtained :thumbsup:
Killergunfuryall mons have rainbow variants
samwichconlimonthey were added like 3 days ago bigsus
Herii123To not ro
Rhazzywhat are the 4 mons that have rainbow variants?
Killergunfurythey are real
NyraKyteraindows only come out once every 12 months. But sometimes it sees its own shadow and we get a few extra days of fall. or something xmas related. idk
thebigsustheorywait but the wikipedia says rainbows arent real
Herii123Also is it possible for the game ro one day allow two people to battle against two trainers and have a real double battle pvp mode
Killergunfuryi have 2 thebigsustheory
Killergunfurythey are real
thebigsustheoryif rainbows were real i dont know what id do
Killergunfuryif rainbows had their own category id be first :)
Herii123But they're so cool
NyraKyte26, potentially 100m peopel named sam... take what you can get
SamKukladid anyone else disconnect
Killergunfuryrainbows give you 3 points
Herii123Wait rainbows shouldn't they have their own category in leaderboard
samwichconlimonSamA implies a total of 26 sams
DiamondseekEvery page?
Killergunfurymultiple times
Killergunfurylooked at the shiny leaderboard
DiamondseekWhere do you find that?
NyraKytewhy not Sam1 and SamA
Killergunfurywe do diamond
samwichconlimonbut you just did type it
DiamondseekWe don't know the actual number that exist
Killergunfurysam1 and sam2
Killergunfurysamwich takes too long to type
samwichconlimonor say samwich
Killergunfurysam2 rainbows are 1/50,000 and like 4 exist
SamKuklanah i'm sam1
NyraKyteok Same
samwichconlimonas long as I am sam1
DiamondseekCall me sam3
Killergunfurylisten ima just call you sam1 and sam2
NyraKytejust the mons. Pride months over. Kappa
samwichconlimonthe problem with that sam is that they would have to make a new pallete for every pokemon in pokengine
Primalmy dreams have shattered
Primalthey're removing rainbow?
SamKuklai think if i were to choose an idea for extra, rarer shinies, i'd go with the pokerogue route if different shiny palettes
Killergunfurywe hunt for samwich!
KillergunfuryEveryone go to the church in harsholme!
samwichconlimontoo bad. Leilyne's shiny is already yellow, a golden one would be nearly identical
dylancadenthis game is so hard
RezzyTheGamerreverse the colot pallete
SamKuklawhat about the shinies that are already those colors...
DiamondseekInvisible shinies
samwichconlimonbrickster shinies
RezzyTheGamerSomeone suggest old school shinies to the devs where the shinies are black/white
Killergunfurylook at my profile Samkukla
samwichconlimonthey are removing it, but yes
SamKuklathere's a tier AFTER goldens?????
samwichconlimonso cruel, before I could even get a rainbow leilyne
Killergunfurymy compensation bouta be wild
samwichconlimonkiller, did you hear they are removing rainbow shinies?
SamKuklait'd be rare for any of us to have sanity
NyraKyteshould be manor F1 i think. just rare
SamKuklawe're pokemon players
samwichconlimonha, you assume I am enjoying this, when in fact, I am losing my goddamn mind
SamKuklawhere do you get sauntler in here btw
Killergunfuryi reached 1k rat encounters and only somehow found the rarest shiny of them all
NyraKytesorry i cant read so, just making doubly sure
SamKuklayou are partaking in a recreational activity known as 'gaming', with the purpose of emotional enrichment
NyraKyteexcuse you? You think this is some sort of GAME?!?!?
SamKuklaomg sauntler i want that thingamajig
samwichconlimonbut... this is a game?
NyraKytei dont really FEEEL like playing a game rn
SamKuklatwo can play that game nyra..
ZeroStarKaihe's saying he doesn't care because it's the evening
NyraKyteheh... i cant read