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DiamondseekThere's one in Harsholme
GemWolfZyeah you should probably be putting in a bug report for this
TheNewKingBretdidnt know that
archen11what are all of the "free" shinies I know centiennal has the eevee, is there any other gift shinies?
ZeroStarKaino that would be the mew barrier, bret
&0verL0rdjust release 3 of them+
TheNewKingBretZero it doenst open until the elite four no?
dylancadenidk how they keep appearing
NyraKyteyou do realize youre opening admititng to exploiting the game right?
ZeroStarKaimt pallet
ZeroStarKaiyou get 4 for free just having cut
TheNewKingBrethe might have two accounts
ZeroStarKaiif you want free shinies you don't even need to finish kanto
&0verL0rdhow did he got those 4?
SamKuklaand previously had 3
rebarhe has 4 of them and theyre once per run
dylancadenwell how many do you have
SamKuklaeveryone gets a brokenstein for free
GemWolfZbrokenstein arent hard to get
dylancadenoffering 2 brokensteins  
DiamondseekBrokenstein is free
TheNewKingBretif you want free shiny finish kanto
dylancadenim not saiyng for free fool
SamKuklatoo rare to simply trade away
TheNewKingBretpeople arent giving out free shiny pokemon
dylancadentoo hard to hunt
dylancadenwhy id rather trade
TheNewKingBretdylan shiny hunt if want a shiny
&0verL0rddont do that on purpose
dylancadenyeah well u dont have 4
rebarhis accound is 2 days old
TheNewKingBretI have three them lol
rebarthats crazy
rebarhe actually has 4 brokensteins
dylancadenif need proof in hub rn
dylancadenplease anybody
dylancadenlooking to trade for shiny
dylancaden4 brokensteins
dylancadenguys i reloaded game cuz i crashed and i have 4 now
TheNewKingBretseen and left it alone for now
ZeroStarKaiit's just near the end of victory road, so not too far to travel
TheNewKingBretI will go the other bird
ZeroStarKaiafter this moltres
TheNewKingBretwhat the next hunt for you zero?
ZeroStarKaiwhen this thing eventually shines I've got 120 ultras ready for it
TheNewKingBreti know it sucks
ZeroStarKai~~1600 of those were prepatch unfortunately~~
TheNewKingBretright now*
TheNewKingBretmewtwo im at 2.2k right took break from it
ZeroStarKaimy counter reset but I think I was somewhere around 25/2600 when I got it
dylancadenif need proof i am in hub
TheNewKingBretnyra got it
TheNewKingBreti know nyra and zax is still hunting for it
dylancadenplease they al level 18
ZeroStarKaiI was hunting with Nyra and Zax
TheNewKingBretcongz tho zero
TheNewKingBretno i was the first to get it
TheNewKingBretwhen lmao?
ZeroStarKaiyou didn't see it in the discord?
DiamondseekEveryone gets a Brokenstein for free when they start Borovia
TheNewKingBretyou got a shiny mew?
ZeroStarKaimy mew pace was honestly crazy
dylancadencan someone please trade brokenstein for shiny
dylancadeni only got mew from trading
TheNewKingBretawww got I got afk most of time lol
ZeroStarKaiyeah caden has friends
ZeroStarKaichatting, eating, etc
DiamondseekDylan's account is 1 day old, and they have a lvl 100 mew, gyara, and 3 brokensteins
TheNewKingBretwhy the slow down then?
ZeroStarKaialso, bret, my normal pace would have me at 600 minimum right now
dylancadenidk how
dylancadeni have 3
ZeroStarKaiyou need that for story
ZeroStarKaibest not trade that brokenstein
TheNewKingBretthat isnt bad zero
dylancadensorry for shiny
dylancadenbrokenstein for starter
dylancadenwho wants a starter i want a shiny could be really bad just want shiny
ZeroStarKaiyeah I'm way behind pace, Bret, only at 326
samwichconlimonthere. thanks
TheNewKingBretimat 847 zero
ZeroStarKaiThere's your rgb, sam
ZeroStarKai124, 152, 223
TheNewKingBretso then lol
AlexVonDLol Discord as a platform? Because always