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DiamondseekThey had 4 Brokensteins in the hub, and they all got replaces with mons randomly
Icymossmaybe a trade?
samwichconlimongtg, be back in a few hours
DiamondseekNo idea how it might have happened though
DiamondseekI remember yesterday, they were in the mansion with their level 100 gyara. That means they definitely somehow got their mons to  the hub without global
PG55what happened?
samwichconlimonthat is really weird, yeah. and the original 4 or so he had disappeared randomly, no mod intervention?
PG55yeah you can jump
Dittofan2WOAH you can jump in this game? i didn't expect that
DiamondseekI guess their Brokenstein somehow escaped to the hub?
GemWolfZwhen you get back put this stuff in the discord bug reports channel
&0verL0rdthat's so weird
dylancadeni gtg my mom called me for dinner
&0verL0rdthey had one but it disappeared again
dylancadenIt just shows opened gate and no scientist
GemWolfZyeah you need to get it again
SamKuklayou're meant to interact with the one near the grandma
dylancadeni reset and still ahveno brokeinstein
PG55im back
AlroYou're always saved
TheNewKingBreti need do some trade for clouda fast
ZeroStarKaiyou don't
thebigsustheoryhow do i save?
GemWolfZthe clinic is the guest room
TheNewKingBretis siref on?
ZeroStarKaiThe clinic and the count's bed are for healing
GemWolfZ(its totally safe dont worry about it)
SamKuklaisn't the guest room for that
GemWolfZhospital bed
ZeroStarKaiThere is a clinic
GemWolfZspooky room
SamKuklawhere am i meant to heal in the manor
ZeroStarKaiSince trading is an option
GemWolfZand then i. dont really know WHY you would do that. brokenstein can only evolve thru the story and is. not very good
ZeroStarKaiDiamond, HE doesn't have to have the global pc
Dittofan2woah I didn't expect the mobile menu to be so comfortable, I mean I thought it'd be the same thing as pc and be super annoying to handle
TheNewKingBreti didnt that with golden togepi from easter island
DiamondseekZero you don't unlock global PC until after the story forces you to evolve you Brokenstein
ZeroStarKaiborovia has global pc
GemWolfZohh true
samwichconlimonunless you traded it to someone to bring it to hub, your original brokenstein should still be in boro
DiamondseekTrading, Gem
GemWolfZnot asking you
dylancadenyou think i know i just started 2 days ago
GemWolfZhow would you even get a brokenstein into the hub
ZeroStarKaiif you didn't beat borovia, then your brokenstein is still in borovia
DiamondseekOnly trading, your Brokenstein needs to be a Monstricity to beat Borovia
GemWolfZgo see if you still have it
ZeroStarKaithe ONLY way to have a brokenstein in hub is to beat borovia or be traded one
dylancadeni was already there and claimed free one
samwichconlimonyou should have one in borovia, go there dylan
dylancadenhow do you rfestart
TheNewKingBretI might redo clouda later on then
&0verL0rdthose are not shiny locked, its just impossible for them to be shiny which is different
GemWolfZjust restart borovia
ZeroStarKaiDylan, go back to borovia
GemWolfZso i dont know how its possible to have brokenstein in the hub at all. you only get the one, and you need to evolve it to beat the count
DiamondseekEggs aren't locked anymore, I believe
dylancadeni have no more brokensteins does anyonehave any i can have
TheNewKingBretohh thank you Nyra!
ZeroStarKaiand eggs
&0verL0rdnothing is shiny locked besides wild encounters in Easter Island
NyraKytebirds are not. they arent necessarily considered static as you have to fish for them
GemWolfZglobal pc, how you get pokemon from one region to another
dylancadenlike what
dylancadenall 4 of mine disapeared
ZeroStarKaithey shouldn't be. they're just wild encounters
SamKuklawell you ARE meant to get a free one right at the start of borovia
TheNewKingBretlike the birds
dylancadeni cant even get it cuz i hve no brokensteins
dylancadenwhats a global box
TheNewKingBretzero are clouda shinys lock?
GemWolfZsince you need to evolve it to fight the count, and you don't get global box till you do that :thinking:
dylancadenI already got one when i went there
GemWolfZidk how you had them in the hub
GemWolfZyoull get one when you go there
dylancadenall of mine disapeared
dylancadendont you need a brokenstein for borovia
dylancadenwait how doi beat borovia now
ZeroStarKaiPallet fields and by extension mt pallet is accessible the moment you have cut
DiamondseekBut the trash is harder to get than a shiny
dylancadenall of mine just dissapeared