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IdkSterlingGyattalguien de la comunidad espaƱola?
&0verL0rdtandor is made by twitch so its likely that you have seen them somewhere
Killergunfuryive seen the mons from the region on yt before
ngoomieprobably, it doesn't ring a bell to me and i haven't played many fangames
azula1989its from ya mumz
Killergunfurywait im doing Whos that mon, isnt the Tandor region from a fan game???
IdkSterlingGyattIm good, for a exchange of a recently caught pokemon and its pokeball
FvfvfgrHatched 65 eggs, I think it's time to move on from the firsth area
&0verL0rdyou good now?
ngoomiemight be worth just closing the tab entirely and opening it back up in a new one
IdkSterlingGyattI closed and now im back
IdkSterlingGyattf5 doesnt work
IdkSterlingGyattwell im texting rn so the chat cannot be closen and also stuck on the menu
&0verL0rdHow are you stuck exactly
&0verL0rdrefresh should fix it i assume
PG55my egg got a gold medal in the paralympics
IdkSterlingGyattI used my last ball and now im stuck
&0verL0rdStuck how
IdkSterlingGyatthelp im stuck
FvfvfgrThe move very much
ngoomiemy egg beat me up and called me a goomy
Killergunfurythey just built different
Killergunfurymy eggs make chirping noises and pick up items
Fvfvfgr'The egg doesn't move much' It's an egg, I didn't expect it to?
PG55"i read this small book called 'Harry Potter', but you probably never heard about it. its very obscure"
Killergunfury"im reading this 1000 chapter book but its only small ill probably finish reading it in an hour"
IdkSterlingGyattsearch it. Its a small book that has 100 idk pages
ngoomie"yeah i just read this short book last week, called 'war and peace', haha it's really obscure u probably haven't heard of it"
BaskOfSoftKittytheres a trainer with a chansey on the right side of Easter Island
Wooloothedarklordalso, whats the best way to get carrots
PG55"its a small book" said the dude, reading Lord of the Rings
IdkSterlingGyattIm currently reading a book named "rebellion on the farm" its a small tiny book but Its very interesting
Wooloothedarklordwhats the best way to farm xp on easter island? i just tried beating sakuraovix or whatever its called and im 30 levels lower than it TwT
ngoomieteleporting you to mine
PG55i live in a big city
ngoomieoh damn
PG55i dont have a local library
zaking74% is wild
PG55Fvfvfgr 100% of 0 is still 0
ngoomiethat's when its time to loan something random frm ur local library
PG55which is not funny 74% of the time
FvfvfgrI've also read all my books
PG55other than talking in this chat
IdkSterlingGyattwhich is not very impresive but im proud of it
PG55and i have literally nothing else to do
IdkSterlingGyattI'd had 2 nickels
IdkSterlingGyattIf I was given a nickel everytime I misclicked and killed a fire starter
PG55i read all my books
groovyshoescan a mod tp me out of route 0 i just finished trial 10
ngoomiei finished it at the library and had a few other books in my bookbag with me but i was still like "well hippowdon, now what" lol
FvfvfgrI felt that way after finishing The Scourge
PG55ngoomie we are the same
PG55darker we are not the same
IdkSterlingGyattwould you look at that first try captured squirtle
ngoomieyeah when i finished reading house of leaves recently
darkeryetdarkerthat is gonna be me when i get a shiny druidune
Fvfvfgr100 different mons or the same?
PG55have you ever felt that feeling when you finish a book and now you have nothing to do with your life?
IdkSterlingGyattwell i have already a fifth caught
FvfvfgrOne more carrot and I can fufill the guy's request
darkeryetdarkera yes xaught
IdkSterlingGyattreally? dang
IdkSterlingGyattseen or caught?
PG55100 mons
IdkSterlingGyatthow do I pass in cennential valley or is it just not continued?
darkeryetdarkerfunny thing i named my golden druidune shy guy just bc of that scene
PG55a masterpiece...
darkeryetdarkeri don't got this when this is my mind
ZeroStarKaiSome guy speed flew into a tree
ZeroStarKaiGotta love borovia
PG55(said darker, just before he got a shiny)
samwichconlimonyou got this!
darkeryetdarker3500 encounters reached and im 100% going to 4k
PG55basically that
ZeroStarKai"Cursed ass ouija board steals people's souls" is basically how it goes
PG55i remember that the first one is a board game
samwichconlimonyou can probably play jumanji on tabletop
samwichconlimonthe latter ones based on a video game based on the game
ZeroStarKaiWhat do you think the movies are using?
PG55theres a game?