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greensleeves1ahhhh how offten do battles glich out and get stuck like this
insumesahead of his time
IdkSterlingGyattI like silly pokemon
JesstroyerAlthough buizel is the goat
insumesI like trubish
insumesactually, crabominable is worse
ngoomietrubbish is just kinda goofy in a good way
IdkSterlingGyatttrubbish da goat
EonArisena lot of tandor mons do tbh
FvfvfgrI love sealver
DaltonisNah Bruxish got them DSL's
ngoomiei'm a big trubbish fan
EonArisengarlikid just looks... unfinished
IdkSterlingGyattIm a vampire
IdkSterlingGyattI hate garlic
InusualBruxish >>>>>> ArceusZzz
JesstroyerOddish line except for bellosom suck
Killergunfurykill it with fire
EonArisenpokemon needs more mons that aren't necessarily Perfect
IdkSterlingGyattGarlikid sucks
Killergunfuryi hate it
Killergunfurysealver sucks
ngoomiebruxish looks fun
Killergunfuryyou wanna start the goddamn sealver debate again?
EonAriseni respect bruxish
insumesthe worst real mon is bruxish
IdkSterlingGyattSealver>>>>>>>>>> Garlikid
FvfvfgrWhat's your least favorite mon?
ZeroStarKaiGarlikid stinks
ngoomienow i want garlicbread
IdkSterlingGyattfinally my revenge
IdkSterlingGyattGarlikid is  mon?
EonAriseni'll have you know as the seto kaiba of the generic anime plot i've got going on i'm going to hire a hitman and send him after you
Killergunfurysay something bad about Garlikid i dare you!
FvfvfgrI never watched anyone play it and I obviously haven't played it
EonArisencleffaing OW
KillergunfuryEon are you saying you dont like Garlikid???
DaltonisI just won a glass from a beer cap lmao
EonArisenthey just. don't vibe w me i can't explain it
FvfvfgrMy togepi won't love me
EonArisenall due respect, the designs haven't aged all that well tbh
ngoomiei think i have it sitting on my computer somewhere but still haven't played it
DaltonisIt's not awailible on the most popular ROM-hack site because of it
Killergunfuryi knew the tandor mons looked familiar
EonArisenyeah it was
DaltonisYeah it was
ngoomiewasn't that one of the ones nintendo DMCA'd
ngoomieohhh that one
KillergunfuryPokemon Uranium
KillergunfuryI FOUND IT
FvfvfgrMe too, Eon
DaltonisGobblegannet is passable but the middle stage is :crying_emoji:
EonAriseni was around for the great talonflame era of x and y so i'm traumatized
ngoomiehell yea
FvfvfgrI want to befriend a crow
FvfvfgrMe too
ngoomiei love corvids
ngoomiecorvisquire is pretty cool
FvfvfgrMy current favorite is corvisquire
ngoomieoh i like its evos acc
BalloonsIm currently running through walls
EonArisenhonestly i don't have a favorite bird pokemon
ngoomiei usually like keeping evos a surprise until i actually encounter them normally but man now i gotta look
FvfvfgrI- Pfft-
DaltonisWith how its 2nd stage looks I'd say both
FvfvfgrGlow downs or down glows?
EonArisenglow downs... i should use that tbh
DaltonisSeagulp gets one of the most devastating glow downs I've ever seen in Pokemon tbh
FvfvfgrOnly if it's ball shaped
EonArisenim scared you'll kick it
FvfvfgrWhat's your favorite bird pokemon?
BalloonsCan i get some advice on how to get back on to the main game path :')
FvfvfgrMe too goomie, me too
EonArisenplease don't. i love the birds
BalloonsHey guys, im stuck out of bounds kinda in the map
ngoomieseagulp is such a funny mon i feel a strong pull to kick one like a soccer ball
EonArisenoh, thats neat
IdkSterlingGyattfrom easter island, its the only way to get eggs I think
EonArisenat easter island?
EonArisenwhat do you mean eggs?
EonArisentaking a break from generic shonen rival duties and vactioning in harshholme
FvfvfgrEon, the eggs got new colours
IdkSterlingGyattBeaverto 🔛🔝
FvfvfgrHello Eon
wheresandshrewEonArisen, yay!