Current users
Jariii, Jext ★, Nhyxel, Alb, Lag_Altrash, TheFuriousHawk, Sincubus, Zenonox, Agressive, ShaLi, Whitescorpion, Iglu, Doinky, tetrislicious, Izaya, Criptsilver10, RS3PT, Araima, LickinNips, SeriouslySilly, Aceheart, inonw, CocoMummy25, Marichu, Tyinyk, jofindo, incompetentfool, Munch, Pistolpaul, Prox, ikaliu, PenguinEmissary, Kendal_979, Nuget, Jonhyy, nUber, Pokebio, PG55, Pogchampion, xxicexx, Rocket22, Inusual, Jack2103, Poppzilon, LPpikachu, Angedratum, Terraclaw, MrSleepy, imuplus, OngoingBoat, Sleepyhead, OutragousCake, Zaxarone, Killergunfury, Papi, faserr, Xiterok, Ginzuishou
EonArisenOH WAIT
Araimaas for Seekadeer, high on it's own supply
Araimaah found it in text format: people on this app will treat fictional characters as if they were real people and then talk about real people as if they were fictional and then get mad at you for knowing the difference
EonArisenthey look zooted
EonArisenwhat the hell has seekadeer taken
AraimaI'll earn it myself :>
ZeroStarKaiChat give her 10k PPP
Araimaand second, nyo
EonArisennah that goomy mine
ZeroStarKaichat give him 10k PPP
Araimathere's a certain tweet that comes to mind when I think of a twitter user...sadly I don't have bandwith privs to post images yet
Fvfvfgr.. Imagine accidentally running from a shiny cause muscle memory
ngoomieeven the smaller stuff that mimics the format of twitter and etc tends to have some similar problems
FvfvfgrI usually just look at art and don't interact
EonArisenim there to piss off incels tbh
ZeroStarKaiBy Araima's standards I am not a Twitter user
ngoomiei really hate modern-style social media
Araimasomeone who just actually uses twitter to looka t art and doesn't interact?  I wouldn't call them a twitter user
SkunkmonkYeah, I thought of EonArisen and ZeroStarKai immediately
Araimawhen I say "twitter user" you should KNOW the kind of people I speak of
ZeroStarKaias a reddit user, I am also there for the "art"
Skunkmonkas a non-twitter user, leave the world alone twitter users
ZeroStarKaias a Twitter user, I'm just there for the art
FvfvfgrBeing a hater is okay as long as you're a respectful one /hj
EonAriseni'm literally only there for [CENSORED]
EonArisenas a twitter user, leave us alone
AraimaThere's being a hater and then theres being a twitter user
EonAriseni kinda respect the dedication to being a hater
AraimaAverage Twitter user
IdkSterlingGyattKIllergunfury: I dont agree.
AraimaLike that kid in grade school who has a bit too much edge but not a real danger
IdkSterlingGyattSomething says something of its favorite fake/og mon"
Araimahe's a bit of a troublemaker
IdkSterlingGyattwell not to disrespect but he kinda deserved it
ZeroStarKaiImagine they pressed reconnect instead of reload
Araimaidk, maybe the video banished him to the shadow realm?
EonArisenbit them
IdkSterlingGyattbtw what happened with killergunfury?
IdkSterlingGyattAlso huge thanks Araima for defending sealver
FvfvfgrMy togepi refuses to love me..
IdkSterlingGyattIm going to declare protector of sealvers
FvfvfgrI remember my brother was watching a movie and I got so excited seeing Sealver that I had to show him
ZeroStarKaiI then proceeded to shoot them and disrespect Garlikid
EonArisenit started when killer stabbed me
IdkSterlingGyattIt all started when on chat I said "Sealver supremacy" and then killergunfury started the debate
ngoomiei thought i broke something because it went down right as i tried to do something in the game lol
FvfvfgrIf sealver has 0 fans, we're dead /j
IdkSterlingGyattI am a number 1 sealver supremacist.
FvfvfgrBut seal
IdkSterlingGyattKillergunfury hates seals.
EonArisengobbeel!!! you're so dumb looking i love you
ZeroStarKaiNext time Killergunfury comes online I'm shooting them
Araimathere are a few things you shouldn't talk s*it about.  Total, Spheal, and Sealver
FvfvfgrI love sealver
IdkSterlingGyattthanks Araima
AraimaI was just defending Sealver's honor
AccidentalRedditorJust logged on and- ooh update more things work :)
IdkSterlingGyattKillergunfury started it.
FvfvfgrBro, you're too powerful!
IdkSterlingGyattnow I can only say
Araimapress esc
Notyingisit possible to change keybinds
ZeroStarKaithe servers actually crashed lmao
ZeroStarKaiI'm back
Araimaman, as soona s I posted that I think the game went down for a sec
DaltonisI think the server went down
FvfvfgrAaa, disconnected
EonAriseni am going to erase your memory of your bad opinion of sealver
IdkSterlingGyattthats why it started the sealver debate
HimboImpulse Can u play this game on iPad… I can only see a quarter of the screen with the rest being filled by widgets
Killergunfurysealver sucks
IdkSterlingGyattKillergunfury is always against something thats why he starts a debate
FvfvfgrAnd you're the master of debates
EonAriseneverybody needs a healthy rival to duel to the death with
FvfvfgrEon is the master of memories
FvfvfgrCause you're magic Killer
wheresandshrewHelp no crash.
EonArisenit's okay killer, that's how i got my current gimmick
wheresandshrewTry take off animations, greensleeves1!
Killergunfurybruh why do i somehoe always start a massive debate over something stupid