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darkeryetdarker3400 encounters almost half way to 4k also yes still no shiny
samwichconlimonnot all bad. I already got a golden obliterat from this hunt
ZeroStarKaifree exp, huh
samwichconlimonsoul fragments can be turned in for exp candies
Primalwhats the % chance encounter on that mon
Primalgl with that
ZeroStarKaiwhat do the soul fragments in borovia do?
samwichconlimonthey have the lowest spawn rates in pokengine to my knowledge
samwichconlimoneither something in centenial valley or leilyne, which I am hunting rn
darkeryetdarkersam i think your hunting one of the hardest?
Primalmy bad I explained myself poorly. Which mon is the hardest to grind for shiny?
darkeryetdarkerbut instead of money its your own personal time
darkeryetdarkerits gambling but it can almost never end
samwichconlimoninfinity. it is random luck
PrimalWanted to ask what could be the longest shiny grind
samwichconlimonwhat do you need
Primalhave caught many shinies (?)
BaskOfSoftKittydefine experienced
Primalany experienced shiny hunters around
ZeroStarKaiit has white arrows leading to it
ZeroStarKaiSpiar, there's a shop inside of the mansion
✏RoughKnightthe new egg colors added today <3
darkeryetdarkerwait i just noticed the eggs have different color paterns?
ItzPazita027I left the page and didnt notice anything
★Azria ★do you remember what the clown guy said
★Azria ★finish the tutorial
ItzPazita027Hi Im new,what do I have to do?
gabgabanu22they're not that important, just type boosting items
InSpiaris there anywhere to shop in the courtyard of borovia?
★Azria ★i think it's a new current glitch
FvfvfgrI officially have more trash than encountered oricorio which isn't a lot but hh
FinchLord315WHat item?
gabgabanu22anyone else's held items disappear after giving them to thier pokemon?
gabgabanu22ohhh gotcah
samwichconlimonclick on your map
FinchLord315Then click on the mp
darkeryetdarkeryou just have to click a place on the mini map
FinchLord315You have to give it to a mon
FvfvfgrI'm so bad at fishing, oh my stars
gabgabanu22i cant seem to figure out how to use it as a field move
gabgabanu22does fly work in this game?
FvfvfgrI think PG took the oricorio with them
FinchLord315Ima give yall a good song
samwichconlimonthe cycle continues
FvfvfgrExorcism time
samwichconlimonI mean, you can banish his soul
FinchLord315Hey, anyone know how to get through the final part of trial 4
FvfvfgrWould you be double dead?
samwichconlimonit is okay, revenge has been gotten
PG55you cant kill a dead man
PG55im already dead
FvfvfgrDammit PG
FvfvfgrI'll get the sacrifice scissors
FinchLord315Kill me now
PG55"remember son, dying is gay", said the turtle, who died
Fvfvfgrx indeed
PG55i officially have more sticky barbs than trash