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FvfvfgrDo the new egg colours have any relation to the pokemon that hatch from it?
darkeryetdarkerits a glass cannon
darkeryetdarkereh that is a one trick pony ngl
darkeryetdarkeryou mean chalker
PG55i trust my wolf
darkeryetdarkernah that thing would not survive
darkeryetdarkerand tbh  100% harshalker would be ou
PG55Gobbeels last evo prob
darkeryetdarkermain qestion what mons would be in ou to make this simple only counting the harsholme dex
Sake-KunLot of things would probably be lol
darkeryetdarkeri imagine Cadastrophe would be a first day ban lmao
PG55i can use f-ing E-max Eternatus there
darkeryetdarkerit does but its dead
PG55no one uses it
Sake-Kun31 Speed IV on Ashoricute. I can use that for breeding... someday.
ZeroStarKaidoesn't the website have the simulated battle thing?
PG55meta: Cadastrophe
darkeryetdarkerngl as we are talking about pvp i would love to imagine a pvp meta in pokeengine
PG55not here
PG55Gliscor deserves more
PG55sandstorm teams are the best weather teams
darkeryetdarkeralso ngl im suprised gliscor has that bad of a bst
FinchLord315Give gliscor flying gem acrobatics and sand veil, that's what I do, but that's cause I like sandstorm teams
PG55special ice type move...?
PG55Slowbro cant handle a full team alone
darkeryetdarkerexpect a special ice move
PG55Gliscor cant die
PG55i NEED it
FinchLord315Flying gem procks, disipears, acrobatics gets more damage on top of the extra no item damage boost
darkeryetdarkergliscor with out poison heal is more garbage then a pidgey
PG55and my Heal Bell Chansey makes not having Toxic Orb a really bad strat
PG55i need poison heal
PG55yeah Toxic orb too
FinchLord315Sandstorm team you give it acrobatics flying gem
darkeryetdarkeralso toxic orb
PG55always works
PG55Protect, Substitute, Toxic and some attacking move
insumesbuffin is if machamp locked tf in
insumesok i figured it out
PG55the best type of Gliscor
PG55F-ing Evil Annoying Gliscor
samwichconlimongeomancy, meteor beam, electroshot
PG55i have FEAG too
darkeryetdarkerare any 2 turn moves good in competitave?
PG55its not the main part of the team, obviously
wheresandshrewFuture Sight scary!
FinchLord315yeah it's a physcic type but future sight isn't a good move in competitave
PG55it works
Sake-KunHarsholme done, I can now get the shinies outta here whenever.
insumesyeah future port is a good set
darkeryetdarkerfuture sight on slowbro?
samwichconlimonone more rare egg before i go back to buy more with my obscene wealth
PG55it doesnt deserve UU
PG55i won a lot of battles with Future Sight Slack Off Slowbro
insumesoh fr? neat
vinnydacatthanks hexblood
samwichconlimonyes it is. That is why it is not called UUbers anymore
darkeryetdarkersomething very random
HexbloodVinney, keep doing what puzzles you can and one will lead to another and eventually the key.
PG55and slowbro shouldnt be UU
FinchLord315Who do you think is going to be the wildcard win
PG55Zamazenta should be Ubers
insumesyeah i know but it's not an official meta
samwichconlimoninsumes, ubers uu is a tier
darkeryetdarkerngl when the cat was added in the dlc hands kinda fell off
samwichconlimonit is the format oficially made by pokemon
vinnydacatwhere and how do i find the skeleton key
insumesthey're actually considering having ubers split into it's own OU and UU
ngoomiei mean not this one rlly but yakn
ngoomiehonestly with google hitting the mudkipter it's kinda more reliable sometimes to ask people some questions directly lol
PG55oh its the championship
FinchLord315Prop not gonna be in 2024 worlds then
darkeryetdarkerhow do you not know what vgc is?
PG55its funnier to ask here
darkeryetdarkerPG55 what the actual hippowdon
samwichconlimononly problem with hands is that it wants assault vest, just like rilla and raging bolt
PG55im trying to remember
ZeroStarKaibrother use google
PG55whats VGC?
darkeryetdarkerthen iron hands is nuts there
FinchLord315Worlds was won by team with Iron hands in 2023 I think
samwichconlimonwell, tierings are locked in, so...
PG55ive never seen an Iron Hands in OU[
darkeryetdarkerif we talk about vgc
PG55i check it every day