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SirnefDidn't Kanto have Blue?
RezzyTheGamerBlue crying in the corner
LytokuGen 4 here I comeeee
HarvekKanto didn't have a Champ, just the 8 Leaders
RezzyTheGameryou need to beat all gym leaders in a row + champion for 1 pokemon
Harvekbut you gotta put some work in to get them
Harvekbut I thiiink you can get all the starters up to Kalos via the Battle Bastion?
wheresandshrewOh? Harvek is true? Very sad.
SirnefYou could theoretically also shove everything you currently have in global pc, and then reset Kanto lmao
Harvekjust due to how many starters you can get there
wheresandshrewOh! That good archen11! Very good!
Harvekas I understand, CV will never get a global PC
hollywogohh cool
archen11you can get the entries in centiennal valley and it will still count for retro kanto
LuckyClover777But I haven't gotten that far in it yet.
LuckyClover777I don't know I think only trading with other players like in the OG games
hollywogyea retro kanto
LuckyClover777You can explore the hub or go to the buliding the first person you talked to was and you should get an intro to the travel system
SirnefHave you talked to all the assistants?
Lytokuwhere do i go now from here x.x
LuckyClover777There isn't a global Pc in CV yet/
wheresandshrewI'm not known legendary but cool Pokémon many beat Dragon Tamer after!
LuckyClover777Retro Kanto?
archen11centiennal valley has all of the kanto starters catchable
hollywogis there any way to obtain the other kanto starters for the pokedex? or is completing the dex not a realistic goal
LuckyClover777So you're at the hub, I don't know if you can get legendaries there but You should be able to transfer them from other regions if they have a global pc
Lytokujust talked to a guy about the battle tower
SirnefMobipup and pidgey, yup, HUB lmao
wheresandshrewLytoko HUB maybe?
Lytokuno clue x.x I literally just started
LuckyClover777Lytoku, Which region are you in
SirnefUnless you count the Jhoto areas which were added in Kanto
wheresandshrewYay Sirnef here!
SirnefJhoto doesn't exist
SirnefYeah, depending on which legendary
Lytokustupid question but are you able to get legendaries on here
wheresandshrewI'm think Johto complete not.
Kimbo_Sliceit doesnt show johto
Kimbo_Slicehow do i look for more regions
LuckyClover777I didn't have the masterball then I only had regular Pokeballs.
wheresandshrewTeleport faster ball?
LuckyClover777I mean, once I encounterd a Shiny Abra right as I was going to get a MasterBall, I tried to catch it but it teleported away/
wheresandshrewMe am hope you have the shiny again soon.
LuckyClover777I'm grinding Unowns because they scale with the average level of your team and my muscle memory has locked in on instantly selecting bite so I accidentally killed a shiny Unown.
wheresandshrewOh! Maybe I'm hope region one day more than 6 Pokémon team!
LuckyClover777I like Flareon and Jolteon but they're not in the top Six, If there were 8 party slots instead of 6 I would add them
wheresandshrewEveeloutions scary. Many beat Sandshrew.
Sincubusflareon feelin left out
LuckyClover777I'm gonna try, I already have Umbreon and Sylveon, I'm gonna get, Glaceon. Espeon, Leafeon, and Vaporeon.
wheresandshrewOuch. FinchLord315 sticky keys so bad.
wheresandshrewSounds funny LuckyClover777! Is possible?
LuckyClover777I'm in Cintenneal Valley
LuckyClover777Should I try to beat the E4 with an All eeveeloutions team?
FinchLord315I try to dodge roll and it sticky keys me
FinchLord315So I'm playing Elden Ring for the first time and I have to change my keybinds
wheresandshrewSometime stuck, can reload. Also sometime animation break and freeze. Be careful!
Lytokui got it to work, wasn't working before
LuckyClover777Space works too
wheresandshrewMe am space. Maybe?
LuckyClover777X if you have a keyboard.
Lytokugreat, how do I get out of this menu that has the settings, bag, pokeball and map
LuckyClover777I'm busy grinding Levels and I don't really know what to say at times.
wheresandshrewMaybe are the sleeping?
wheresandshrewOh! Not much the people chat Lytoku.
wheresandshrewQuilfishing HUB!
LytokuI hope I have fun too lol how is everyone?
wheresandshrewIt okay. I'm hope you have fun!
Lytoku Thanl you for that, sorry for the spam. I was trying to move. I am new
wheresandshrewLytoku! Such good name!
Lytoku ddxcsdfaawszx
wheresandshrewThank angstyx!
angstyxwelcome back!
RezzyTheGamerhe is back
wheresandshrewMe am back!
Random12specialHer miltank is NOTHING!
Random12specialagainst my FEMALE Xatu!!!
Random12specialwhitney didn't stand a chance