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TheNewKingBretto tired to say. sirnef do your thing
Super_SSShow do I see the name list?
Super_SSSbut how in game
SirnefJust right click out name in chat or the name list on the right
Lokyubsand press site profile
Lokyubsoh then yeah in chat right click our names
Super_SSSnope, laptop
Lokyubsare you on mobile super?
SirnefAs in, on our names
Super_SSSty Sirnef but idk how to do that
TheNewKingBretI encountered many Gulluttons, but none of them were the right one I sought.
SirnefRight click profile, and look at their site profile?
TheNewKingBretim at 4.4k
TheNewKingBreti started this hunt with 600 encounters today
Super_SSShow do I see what pokemon someone has
Sincubusfor the ha has, yas
SirnefGrab a brush and put on a little make up, but honestly, close enough lmao
Sincubuswake up! aflkjsjijjgohoi or whatever the guy said from that band
✏mattgcndoesnt look like it has a level parameter
✏mattgcn@getrainbowed has to be in the cursed woods
SirnefThat's definitely your sign that you're going too long at this lmao
TheNewKingBretI'm kinda lost where I was going with this.
SirnefWake up sleepy head
TheNewKingBretI see that you care for the community deeply, always striving to make a positive impact.
SirnefProbably level up in cursed woods
getrainbownedit says level up and then it cuts off
getrainbownedhow does skulmet evo into final
Sincubusyeah! we're a caring community >:(
TheNewKingBretonce i get 5.3k i will
SirnefJust make sure you get enough sleep mate
TheNewKingBretat some point but not now
TheNewKingBretI'm gone tho
TheNewKingBretfair point I guess....
Sincubussleep is for anyone thats a tired lil guy
SirnefWell better get a better mind right now
TheNewKingBretSleep is for the dead and better-minded individuals than myself!
SirnefI think that's the sign for you to pass out lmao
TheNewKingBretmiddle lol
TheNewKingBretIt's almost middle night for me :/
Sirnef...Huh, that's odd. Can't say I know what's happening, never been to Hoenn, maybe ask around in discord?
SirnefOh no, I was referring to the tm thing, I understand the shiny hunt lmao
Angl_321a tree in retro Hoenn, my treecko has already learned it but I only get "this tree looks like it can be CUT down"
TheNewKingBretI have normal one already
SirnefWhat are you using it on exactly?
TheNewKingBretWe are prisoners to this beast's relentless grip, trapped in its shadow with no escape in sight.
Angl_321but it won't let me, and my pokemon has already learned the movement
SirnefJust walk over and interact with it
Angl_321I mean in objects, like "cut" for the bushes
SirnefDid the guy who had 10k encounters ever find the shiny btw?
TheNewKingBretI am determined to face a shiny one, if it exists here on this island.
YohKaiWhere to get amulet coin? And the bracers?
wheresandshrewCan use TM right click am move to screen!
SirnefOr right click and use
SirnefDrag onto main screen
Angl_321How do I use TMS outside of combat?
SirnefIt has two ts technically, but whatever
SirnefHasholme's legendary
ViralMagnumTyphlowho's gulluton?
TheNewKingBretNot until Gulluton shows its face in battle will I ever forget the fierce challenge it presents.
wheresandshrewMaybe am take break.
SirnefNeed to take a rest mate?
TheNewKingBretI'm quite tired though.
TheNewKingBretLosing sanity is just a state of mind. Perhaps I've been sane all along. ;3
SirnefBret gets more poetic the more sanity they lose, got it
TheNewKingBretHeonn only go up to 4th gym.
TheNewKingBretWith Torchic by your side, you blaze through the first rock gym with unstoppable determination.
Super_SSStysm 2
wheresandshrewYay Super_SSS! Go go!
TheNewKingBretI'm glad your doing well sandshrew!
Super_SSSI already won, but it was hell
Super_SSSdoing first gym, rock gym with torchic
wheresandshrewMe am the good! Quilfishing fun!
Super_SSSSuffering hell
TheNewKingBrethow is everyone doing?
TheNewKingBretEncounter 4354 later, and still, nothing has changed, yet I cling to the hope that someday, somehow, things will take a turn for the better.
SirnefNothing to do except keep bashing your head against the pokemon
wheresandshrewMe am think turn not always the good.
TheNewKingBretYou said my luck would turn around eventually, but now I feel I've reached the point of no return, where hope fades and uncertainty looms ahead.
SirnefBret, your luck had to even out at some point alright lmao
TheNewKingBretLosing my mind slowly over time, not from power but from the hope to glimpse the shiny Pokemon.
wheresandshrewIt look the good.
wheresandshrewIt okay TheNewKingBret. You am use many thought today!
SirnefNothing wrong with feeling a bit poetic
TheNewKingBretsomething is wrong with me today....
wheresandshrewMaybe 600 and or this more Quilfish beat?