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archen11I wish giovanni had a better team, he's one of the most badass  villian in pokemon and he dies to a surf
archen11top floor has a nugget and bottom floor has a rare candy
Salthunter001rezzy got checkmate
Salthunter001i just destroyed giorgo hahah
Zaxaroneim at  e4 but then the game froze as i was abiout to win
TheLarviand now im sidequesting for porygon
TheLarvibut thats because i beat koga before erika
TheLarviim *technically* towards saffron/blaine
archen11dealing with the celadon area
archen11also its really funny that there are 4 people in retro kanto that are all about the same place
RezzyTheGamergiovanni giorgio will beat your ass
archen11one of the best things of retro kanto is having no bag limit
Salthunter001time to beat giovarno giovanna
RezzyTheGamerit jsut don't trigger lol
Novengerim at that healer lady
Novengerkill are you gonna come?
TheNewKingBretstill thank you for music!
Araimaall g
TheNewKingBretmy i thought you were lmao
AraimaI was making a suggestion
Araima..?  Me make a bug report?  Why?  It's not happening to me and I dunno the specifics
Novengerthis bird is too strong
Novengerbro buffing is traumatizing me right now
KillergunfuryMr fancy pants over here
Zaxaronefrom 10am to 7pm
Novengernice :o
TheNewKingBretyou going making the bug report?
Zaxaronei got 9
Killergunfuryi got 8 hours of sleep
Killergunfurygood morning
Zaxaroneyo killer good morning
Novengerim in the cave that the horses were guarding before
TheNewKingBretthank you Araima <3
Killergunfuryyo Nov where you at?
AraimaI'd post a bug report in the discord
TheNewKingBretLet the dev know then
RezzyTheGamerno hall of fame cutscene
archen11there is a lot of nuggets and money in it
TheNewKingBretdid you enter the hall of frame this time?
RezzyTheGamerDoes evolution make hall of fame not trigger?
archen11larvi did you clear out the rocket hideout?
Novengeroh no thsi trainer has a buffin *trauma insues*
RezzyTheGamerjust beat hium again
TheNewKingBretyou should of have enter the hall frame
Zaxaronepower starway to heaven lol
TheNewKingBrettry recmating him then
RezzyTheGamerI'm rematching him now
archen11yeah rez your not in the hall of fame for harsholm which is probably your issue
TheNewKingBretthat's odd
RezzyTheGamerhe doiesn't have different dialogue
TheNewKingBretstay at the dock and talk to man on the left side of dock
TheNewKingBretthen youbeat the main
RezzyTheGamerno he moved
TheNewKingBretwait is still on the cliff for you?
RezzyTheGamerill rematch lund
TheNewKingBretat the docks
TheNewKingBretti talk to the guy*
TheNewKingBretso need to guy on the left side then
TheNewKingBretthen you should of enter the hall frame after that
RezzyTheGamerI just beat lund
TheNewKingBretwhat the last thing you did in the story?
Araimabecause the lil bugger is a com-mon that gets in my way
TheNewKingBretso i guess no then
Novengerwhy do you hate balloonga?! it's a good lil fella!
TheNewKingBretdid you enter the hall of frame yet?
archen1134 novenger
RezzyTheGamerThe guy I came to harsholme with has the same dialogue as in the beginning
Novengerwhen does balloonga evolve? :o
Zaxaronethrow it in the bin
TheLarviNo battle, im grinding cash
TheNewKingBretif you beaten the main
TheNewKingBrettake you boat road with his buddy
TheLarviNeutral nature, Ivs are 14 3 10 22 29 3
archen11battle? zax or larvi?
RezzyTheGamerthe guy just takes me on the boat trip
XNeohello I am new here
Araimaalmost 6 AM.  Time for
TheLarviwant me to catch it and check it for you
TheNewKingBretto the guy
Zaxaronefunny song by one of my twitch buddies