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RezzyTheGamergo to profile settings and add its id
lierchucheshow can i showcase a mon in my profile
Zaxaronemax* lol sorry bad with names
MaximdracoWait a moment
Zaxaronei got your meowth
Zaxaronematt u still around
DaltonisYou'll be giving it away permanently tho
RezzyTheGamerwhat do you need for the fireplace in the tavern?
Zaxaronegotta apply for that
Zaxaroneyeah but you cant test your maps till you have approval
Salthunter001you can create from directly it!!
Salthunter001i just saw the website
Zaxaronebut if you wanted a tree you can walk behind, put the top of the tree ona layer above the player
Killergunfurynbot sure....
Zaxaronefor my retro stuff i put the player above everything
Zaxaronewhat tile set u using
Killergunfurywould that work?
Killergunfurythen the player
Killergunfuryand layer 2 is trees
Killergunfuryso i got the floor on layer 1
lierchuchesthat seems hard
Zaxaroneone of the reasons i want to so badly
Zaxaronenot until you get approved
Zaxaroneso if you want walk behind buildings or tree tops put it above the player layer
Killergunfuryany way to test my map?
Zaxaronethats the layer the player will be on
lierchucheshi guysç
Killergunfurywhat does the trainer icon thing do in tilefuser?
MaximdracoVermillion City
KillergunfuryZax i got a question
TheLarvidang.... just got lefties picked up :(
Zaxaronewhere you at max
Salthunter001you could get infinite meowths if breeding worked tho
MaximdracoI was mostly interested in having a pokemon with pick up
Salthunter001zaxa supplying all the meowths
Zaxaronehall of fame cutscene lets fgoooo
RezzyTheGamerbut you can also reset region via shop
Zaxaronei can give you a meowth hold on
SirnefOh, yeah, you have to reset
Salthunter001you can reset or trade
RezzyTheGameryou can trade with someone who got the blue version
Salthunter001wait I picked red too-
Zaxaronegg kanto
MaximdracoIs there a way to change or do I have to reset the region?
Salthunter001it's blue exclusive
TheLarviBlue exclusive
TheLarviDid you go red or blue
MaximdracoAny of you know how rare is Meowth in Retro Kanto?
Sirnefhas goods
RezzyTheGamerwhat rare pokemon does the lady in tavern want?
Salthunter001Bye gyatt
ZeroStarKaiyou can also just go wherever you want in spite of the questionnaire
TyinykDon't stress about the questionnaire, you can take it infinite times.
MisterLight55then hoenn isn't finished yet
MisterLight55so i can beat kanto
SirnefDifferent is something that's not that
SirnefTraditional usually means maingame 8 gyms, beat an evil team, and become champion
Zaxaroneok green round 2
TyinykTraditional is 8 gyms.
ZeroStarKaitraditional is kanto, hoenn (unfinished), sinnoh (chapter 1)
MisterLight55whats the diff between a traditional adventure or different?
ZeroStarKaialright, I have my completion proof, may as well go get the legendaries now
IdkSterlingGyattI found a pheromosa
ZeroStarKairayquazaroach goes hard
IdkSterlingGyattI cant add the c on it
ZeroStarKaicensor filter
Salthunter001what's a rayquazaroach
IdkSterlingGyattI cant say the word
IdkSterlingGyattI got jumpscared by a hippowdonroach on the wall.