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ShaLilol aight aight
Killergunfuryi found celadon woods
ZeroStarKaiHonestly, not sure if they mean anything
ZeroStarKaiCeledon woods
ShaLibtw wat does it mean when the names are blue in region select?
Killergunfurywhere is this mew ive heard so much about
ShaLithanks for the tips
ShaLilol okok i see
Icymossnot many have 3 that are complete I think its only really retro kanto lol
ZeroStarKaiFor the most part, it's just red/blue, as it would be on the gameboy
ShaLithe retro kanto?
ShaLioooo ok
ShaLiso which finished regions has starters so i can give her a more authentic experience?
ZeroStarKaiIt's got some neat side content
ZeroStarKaiKanto's a pretty quick region to get through. Might take a bit for a first timer
ShaLithat i learned from playing but brokenstein is adorbale anyways
IcymossRica have 3 nice starters but its only 3/4 gyms I think
ZeroStarKaiNah, there was a story reason for why you couldn't pick a starter there
TheLarviGio1 time
ShaLiwas hoping there would be a choice for starters tho
ShaLilol yeah, went to boro with her and it was cool
IcymossBoro is very fun as well its more puzzle then gyms
ZeroStarKaiTake Mightiro's evo up to the grave where you fought Monstricity, Moon
lierchuchesin the grave stone in the backwoods
IcymossHarshore, Easter island, Summer island, Boro, Retro Kanto all finished
ShaLiwill look into that
Moondust381Anyone know where I can get a Sunstone in borlovia?
ShaLiah okok thanks
Zaxaroneharsholme and kanto are good choices to go together imo
ZeroStarKaijust the first gym
Icymossnope its only like 1 gum I think
ShaLiis sinnoh roughly finished or not yet?
ShaLiah i see
Zaxaronesuin stone can be found by taking the 2nd for to the lone grave at the top of the hill in the firest
IcymossSha not all regions are finished yet as well
Zaxaronestage one needs happiness at morning or day 2nd needs\ sun stone
ShaLiaight aight just making sure. decided to look thru some regions to find a good one for my newbie friend to try out
TheLarvidang. Naughty pory
Sirnef220 friendship level during day yeah
Icymossfriendship yea
Moondust381How to evolve mightiro? I think it needs to have a held item?
ZeroStarKaiit's all multiplayer
Icymossgz pory friend
ZeroStarKaithis is an MMO, Shali
ShaLiis the sinnoh region multiplayer as well?
SirnefCongrats mate
TheLarviAwww yeah. Porygon bought
SirnefThen yeah, should just toggle the global pc
SirnefDid you interact with the treasure chest after you caught the mon?
ZeroStarKaipress the global pc button, then move them from your party
SamKuklahow do u move stuff to the global pc
Icymosstrue, the clown will give you something if you complete
SamKuklawell i have CAUGHT all wild mons but it's not exactly the most ideal place to level up stuff
Zaxaroneayye my boy trapinch
Icymosshave you completed the dex on summer isalnd?
SamKuklaaye caught the drenchest
Icymosshell yea sam
Icymossrip power-up punch on a mega kangaskan lol
SamKuklai got a pearl string alongside 2 pearls
TyinykI honestly find that preferable.
Icymossmultihit moves dont really work so they just make it do the damage all in 1 hit
SirnefUsually if it's a status, doesn't work, if it's a move only does damage
TyinykThat was about what I assumed.
Sirnefnot fully implemented
TyinykWhat does the (N) by some moves mean?
KillergunfuryZax i sent you the image of my map
TheLarviso decent cash
RezzyTheGamerhow do you get agapre and dimwraith?
TheLarvihes worth a min of 1k for me
TheLarvihmm not at that point yet so lavendar time
TheLarvii forgot silph
ZeroStarKaiSS anne, lavender tower, silph co, and viridian
Zaxaronesilph and before vicotry road
TheLarviwhere does he even show up
ZeroStarKaiSS anne is included in that list
Zaxaroneevery fight after ss anne is bugged
ZeroStarKaiall of the rival fights post cerulean are bugged
TheLarvithat reminds me ... lavendar is similar
ZeroStarKaiyou CAN farm him for free xp, though
ZeroStarKaiit isn't
TheLarvibugged from my understanding
MaximdracoHow intentional is the part where, after getting cut, your rival challenge you again?
TheLarviVanilla is  10% after a fight then a table.
Icymossnot sure it just picks stuff up after battle sometimes
TheLarvihow does pick up table work in this
Zaxaroneok i got a psychic onnly team
Icymossalso Capsudier can have pickup and get stones that are 3k