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OutragousCake, TheNewKingBret, Renne, wheresandshrew, Jext ★, legixtm, ZeroStarKai, Enter_Nam, YohKai, mattgcn, Mirura, Luaos, TitoCapito, Flamingsundragon, Rhazzy, Sirnef, MaskedWebyn64, Raynard, holyD, Primal, Lokyubs, Kazaam1, Yonderdz, angstyx, Sincubus, AzTech, ShadowKrimson, Alro, victor_espinoza8, mouwuma, leonamazon, sun1135858285, Rking, tetrislicious, nagesaki, Mariusko, Emilycubed, flutter_mage, Alcreamie_enthusias, starbright0320, archen11, Lallinger, ngoomie, Boneasaurus
xsweatersxayo random shiny
xsweatersxah uhm, i do not remember. usually theres a sailor at docks. but idk if you can talk to another npc to leave rica
Whopper223no how do i get out of the region
xsweatersxcan i get the keys for drenchest or whaterver before dex completion?
TheNewKingBretwelcome to the club
TheNewKingBrethi mijallo
NixcelpixBye Rezzy!
xsweatersxbyebye rezzy
xsweatersxWhopper, you go inside the research base for your starter and then go to the right to begin your jounrey
ViralMagnumTyphloyou jump (?)
GreywhooseWhat should I do when I reach the top of Harsholme
Whopper223how do get out of white whaft
RezzyTheGameralso need cubone and clefairy
RezzyTheGamerill do that
ViralMagnumTyphlomoney money money
ViralMagnumTyphloif you get tyrogue from draguntale island
xsweatersxnot in kanto tho right
ViralMagnumTyphloyou can get a hintmonlee, hitmonchanp, even a hitmontop
RezzyTheGamerseems like an oversight lol
ZeroStarKaiat least, I didn't see it
RezzyTheGamercan we get hitmonlee from the battle bastion?
ZeroStarKaiyou're already there
xsweatersxill do that after summer island i think
RezzyTheGamerNext step, complete kanto
xsweatersxonly 180 of them have been obtained. neat
RezzyTheGamergoodbye borovia
ViralMagnumTyphlowe make him exist
ViralMagnumTyphlobecuase it dosen't exists
ViralMagnumTyphloprobably mythical
RezzyTheGameris gobblina legendary pokemon? ;P
xsweatersxthats at least queer, sorta. so wahoo
NixcelpixYeah, maybe report i will report it to a mod
TheNewKingBretim ACE let gooo
xsweatersxactually you sound like a minor so forget i said that
ZeroStarKaiand that's where it ends
NixcelpixAnd that is bad? x3
Whopper223so pokebio is gay
ZeroStarKaithe first one to move was poke
xsweatersxwell im gay, come kiss me on the mouth sweet cheeks
ViralMagnumTyphlohe is doing that youtube trend
NixcelpixAnd is that bad? x2
Whopper223and i said whoever move FIRST is gay
RezzyTheGamerborovia ahs been complete
NixcelpixAnd is that bad?
ZeroStarKaiyou said first, dumbass
Whopper223after you guys all spoke
Whopper223right now
xsweatersxso did you chief
Whopper223hands to type
xsweatersxbye bye pokebio
Whopper223haha all of you are gay cus you moved your a
xsweatersxi actually kinda cheesed summer island by doing rica dex a bit
PokebioI have to go cya guys
TheNewKingBretshiny dance let go
ZeroStarKaiI wish I could transfer the absurd amount of cash the count gives us
Pokebiosummer island is the easiest one to get
Pokebioimport a mon that has it from azn other region
xsweatersxyou have to send over a mon with surf from another region
insumeshow do you get surf in the hub?
Whopper223whoever moves first is gay
ViralMagnumTyphlomy 2 years efforts
Whopper223english or spainish?
Pokebiois there a spreadsheet of all the normal mons hat aren't obtainable?
TheNewKingBretyea on effort island
ViralMagnumTyphloalong with wigglet and that electric seagul from paldea
ViralMagnumTyphlothey added goomy recently
Pokebiothat means a lot aren't obtainable
ViralMagnumTyphloyou can only get any pokemon that it's displayed "ingame"
Pokebiookay thank you
ViralMagnumTyphloawnser: you can't
Pokebioquestion how do you get the pokemon from the collections without regions?