Current users
Jext ★, OutragousCake, MrSleepy, RezzyTheGamer, Pascal5001, Alb, Multi, RiFoun, ChuckyThePumpkin, Sincubus, angstyx, Iglu, Taysuke, TheDrone95, xsweatersx, tetrislicious, Blcklux, zwrieger, marcusm10116, Jezz0Blaze, Shokie, Nuget, Pokebio, Ginzuishou, PeoDodo, AzTech, LPpikachu, CodeErr
TheNewKingBretim not lol
luminous_nightwhat chute lol?
ZeroStarKaihe simply is
&KingTapirwhy are you out of bounds on the heath map lmao 8428_7d683fc9edfd9924.png
&stormbringer15aren't we all
luminous_nightthe chute?
TheNewKingBretim slowly going crazy
ZeroStarKaithat chute to the top left
ZeroStarKaicount's room
luminous_nighthow do you get to the basement in brovia?
TheNewKingBretthis how feel about hunting this thing
DaltonisWe can make it if we try
&stormbringer15just the three of yas
demonycthere is gonna be more soon
DaltonisYeah lmao
DaltonisSo smol
&KingTapirlmao there's three of you??
Mijallomarios mushrooms
TheNewKingBretwhat hell was that
Mijalloomg tapir
xsweatersxoh i need to get the treasure map according to the wiki
TheNewKingBretforget i asked
DaltonisOh God
TheNewKingBrethow big can you make yourself?
TheNewKingBretjump scary
xsweatersxlike, a pokeball? cause there isnt for me. even tried hitting z on different center tiles
demonycthere should be something in the whirlpool
EraserRabbitThank goodness the legendary birds respawn if you accidentally KO them. I was terrified for a second.
demonycnot really
xsweatersxoh. do i need to do them in order then maybe?
&KingTapiryou should be able to get the item regardless
demonycyou can sweater
&KingTapiryou don't need a full dex
TheNewKingBreti hope so nix
NixcelpixI mean, the shiny eevee
NixcelpixIf i get a Shiny Starter in CV you can get the Legendary or starter
xsweatersxim guessing i cant collect the Keys on summer island before ive got full dex? cause im in the whirlpool center but theres nothing
TheNewKingBretim little scared now
&KingTapirthough i remain wary
TheNewKingBretso how is it?
&KingTapirhe said it was just bad luck
&KingTapiri asked jext directly to look at it
&KingTapiri did more than that
Mijalloim exactly in 11600
DaltonisDid you already do your daily Gullutton code check my King?
Icymosswhen i get to 1024 brokensteins i will assume its locked... i know its not
TheNewKingBret2822 i mean
Mijallohow many encounters newking?
TheNewKingBretwatch Tapir shiny lock this thing
Icymossyea, some one already eat a chunk...
Primalthere cant be a better name
xsweatersxah yes. playdoh
TheNewKingBretBorovia the sewer pee water
Primalhe was pee water
Icymossa rainbow shiny nwas found earlier
ZeroStarKaiBingKret was pee water
Jono1sonMy golden Snaukler shoots golden water
&stormbringer15personally i refer to you as "the not chickens"
TheNewKingBretyour not wrong i was pee water yesterday
xsweatersxany kind of grinding is absolutely mind numbing to me. its why i love harsholme so much. barely any grinding, and what little grinding i did have to do, was on a super convenient hoard spot
&KingTapirjoking of course
TheNewKingBreti want be the first one to get it
&KingTapirwe call you 'the unwashed masses'
DaltonisThere's a reason they refer to the players as 'pawns in their big game' in the mod chat
&KingTapirwhat's mijhallos at now?
&KingTapirrun away hunting is so dull to me
DaltonisEon it's just a superiority complex
&KingTapiridk how you guys do it
TheNewKingBretwelcome back to club of shiny hunting this gullutton
TheNewKingBrethello again
PrimalI see
EonArisenyou and azria have the same height problem i see
Icymossin gala
&stormbringer15i dont believe it's available yet?
Primalwhere can I get a galarian ponyta
&stormbringer15reading comprehension wins again...
EonArisenlook i don't read
&KingTapirthat spell the word NUMBER
&KingTapirdo you have the 6 unown in your party
TheNewKingBrethe gone Q.Q
GemWolfZive gotten all the way here to the end of the borough and now i need another pokemon. shi
xsweatersxah nevermind then. i know theres unown in kanto too. my mistake
EonArisenim in centennial
EonArisenp...pallet fields?