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Alb, Lag_Altrash, TheFuriousHawk, Whitescorpion, Marichu, ikaliu, PG55, angstyx, Greywhoose, AerisIII, Kendal_979, Jext ★, Sincubus, Nixcelpix, ShadowFromNorth, PoweredPhil, Merricide, legixtm, RS3PT, kyledove ★, Tranzx, ZeroStarKai ★, claush, halfkin, OktoLK, ViralMagnumTyphlo, dawnishdays, JDop, Jhosuejskjsk, hollywog, Scravo, StinkyGoldy, darkeryetdarker, april, tetrislicious, Whodadman, xBlackBerry, Iglu, Zaxarone, archen11, zwrieger, Viccer, Ducklightyear, blue_busia, arthe, ginko724, TerraNightgale, FunnyRascal, LuckiCorii, Fazecillo, IsaMO, Koalabeaver, Izaya, SnomQueen, koma77, ShamrockAura, deathking10, qoin, WyrmPrince, Betamon, ZenOuji, nelly77, Aceheart, chimeragengar, ejshowlv1, Shokie
xsweatersxthat would be sick Killer
Sincubusnah borovia is my fav
Machinais it just me or does most of the community like harsholme the most, when it comes to pokengine regions?
Killergunfuryif i get aniother rainbow grimer you can have it
Sincubusyeah ecryptid the dial up mon
IcymossYea I want a rainbow/gold but any shiny broken will do
xsweatersxyes sir
PG55the one i dont have?
GemWolfZencryptid is based
xsweatersxencryptid yeah
GemWolfZcadastrophe :thumbsup:
xsweatersxmaybe the weird lab one. the rare one
Sincubusisn't encryptid electric or nah
PG55whats the best electric type in Borovia (other than Cadastrophe)
xsweatersxahh gotcha
Killergunfuryyeah but Icy wants shiny bropkenstein
xsweatersxtears of joy id imagine
Killergunfurywhat would you do then
Primalfuse 2 main pokemon games to make the greatest pokemon game ever
KillergunfuryIcy imagine you get a rainbow or golden before the shiny
IcymossSappiric acid
ViralMagnumTyphloavailable areas = patches of grass day night, and the sea shore
TheNewKingBreti can get the milk from the store fast
xsweatersxthe only sapphos i want is a sapphic lover
ViralMagnumTyphlocapture all mons in the available areas, then get a mon with surf
PG55this games AI just used Wring Out and Mud Bomb in a Skowl
&stormbringer15dont forget to leave out milk and cookies for sapphos tonight
Muncham i missing something on summer island? like how do i progress
Sincubusall mons have guns
PrimalAll mons are red?
angstyxYES wrath month
Sincubusyeah tomorrow its wrath month
Killergunfuryimagine you can only get rainbows in june
PG55oh yeah its still June
Sincubuswow, and during pride
PG55He hates you now
Killergunfurymy rainbow luck
xsweatersxoops ruined my odds
xsweatersxoh true
xsweatersxdont hoard the rainbow luck killer, spread it around
PG55you wrote Arceus with lower case A
xsweatersxi would love a rainbow Drenchest. please arceus. bless me.
Primalcuz why not
Sincubusmaybe 4
PrimalI think they are about 3
Killergunfurynot what are they
Killergunfuryi said what do you think they are
PrimalYes I am secretly a mod I know all about odds
Killergunfuryi think their 1 everyday
KillergunfuryPrimal what do you think the odds for rainbows are?
Sincubusthats a weird lookin fox
GemWolfZ^ this is what i look like
PrimalI'll recommend you to a good therapist I know, his name is Eggnesto
Killergunfuryimagine the odd for rainbow shinys are 1 everyday
GemWolfZya im eating them secretly
Killergunfury^ are you secretly a fox?
GemWolfZi see an egg and go ooo egg! and then we're back to box 3
GemWolfZi simply cannot stop picking up eggs
GemWolfZi also am back to about as many eggs as i had this morning.
xsweatersxnoice noice
GemWolfZive been locked in on easter grinding
GemWolfZoh yeah i got back a while ago
Killergunfuryi opened a profile and it works now
xsweatersxwelcome back gem. not stinky no more?
GemWolfZjust you bro
NixcelpixIs not down
PrimalI think we wouldnt be able to play if it was down
xsweatersxjust checked and i can navigate main site fine
Killergunfuryi cant access the main site
Nixcelpixwait what?
Killergunfuryi cant access the main site
Killergunfuryis pokengine down?
xsweatersxhunting for shiny drenchest
xsweatersxsorry im constantly refreshing my page
xsweatersxhey killer
Killergunfuryyo im back
fushiginofound it. thanks
DaltonisYou have to go to the pokengine website