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fushiginohow do i check move summaries?
xsweatersxlmao nice
TheNewKingBretfinal at 3k 2k more
xsweatersxunless you mean before shiny leilyne
DaltonisAt least like 3 rats
xsweatersxstatistically unlikely but who knows!
DaltonisOh you will
AlroInb4 i find shiny obliterat before regular leilynne
TheNewKingBreti will stop at 5k
TheNewKingBreti will at 5k today maybe
Mijalloim not sure about me xd
TheNewKingBretyea i really want this shiny
DaltonisYeah you grinded like crazy today
Primalrainbows are here to stay or are these just temporary?
TheNewKingBreti was only at 600 yesterday
xsweatersxi pray that you get rainbow shinies for your trouble
DaltonisI'm just at 4869
DaltonisMijallo is above 11600
AlroIs static's out of battle effect implemented?
DaltonisWe're beyond good rng at this point
Primalluck is*
TheNewKingBrethow many encounters do they have?
xsweatersxsame to you
Primalluck if buffed for the following hour
PrimalI bless you all with good rng
DaltonisComparatively to Mijallno yeahh 😭
xsweatersxive only gotten two shinies in all of my playtime so that does not bode well for my luck
TheNewKingBretok now 2973
TheNewKingBretim only at 2971
DaltonisGullutton with Bret and Mijallo
ZeroStarKaiboutta go back to mew
xsweatersxDrenchest static for me
Primalwhat are you guys shiny hunting rn
xsweatersxi do like the non shiny version of drenchest  lil more but shiny is justice
xsweatersxahahaha same in harsholme for me
Munchwhy did i throw all my held items away ;-;
Primalhello there
MunchHello o/
Xiterok(If you get it, please tell me if it was shiny before you interacted with it)
TheNewKingBreti know the feeling
TheNewKingBretim at 2931
xsweatersxi belieeeeeve
xsweatersxi believe xiro
xsweatersxnot the worst i guess. just zero chat awareness with the refreshes ahaha
XiterokAgainst a Mightiro from 2322 fights, still no shiny. Good luck to you for your static encounter
Sincubusyeah refresh fa sho
xsweatersxi do, but then interacting doesnt do anything
Sincubusoh yeah that prolly yeah
Icymossand brokenstein isnt locked right?????
ZeroStarKaijust run
xsweatersxlooks like i gotta refresh every time tho hmm
SincubusI think you can redo him as long as you don't catch him
xsweatersxis this guy shiny locked? OuO
Sincubusayyyyyyyy slay
xsweatersxaaah there it is
xsweatersxyeah ive been doing that. Z in my case
Sincubusor whatever your interact button is
Sincubusyeah just run around and spam A
xsweatersxokay so i have three keys and am at the spot where the red x was. but the wiki mentions interacting with sand, and thats seeming kinda wrong or weird
xsweatersxwell thank you kindly Sin
xsweatersxhey gwilly, try clicking in your game, or refreshing, or typing /unstuck
Sincubuswiki outdated from what I understand
xsweatersxthe wiki is wroooong
GwillyManethe game wont let me move
xsweatersxoh what the
xsweatersxlone tree? im doing the unique rock key thoo
Sincubustalk to lone tree again
Sincubuson summer island?
xsweatersxi am not finding this third key, its supposed to be between two water rock?
d_lynxoh alrighty thanks, I'll go look for her
xsweatersxyou talk to the candy ghost lady
TheNewKingBretTapir doing map things today?
d_lynxhow do i go about getting gobblin? i have the book and talked to the npc but am at a bit of a loss now
&stormbringer15exclusively for me wahoo
&KingTapirbi-location? happy pride!
xsweatersxits a lil wodden square hatch left of the guards
ZeroStarKaithe brownish door looking thing
DaltonisHe's jsut practising bilocation relax
XiterokHow do I stop Shinyhunting at 2300?