Current users
Jext ★, Mascheny, Papi, darkeryetdarker, zaospasmantikaz, chuajiazhi, Suggarion, Iglu, Renata413, Thancred, polioleg, kyledove ★, arajara, Araima, claush, Tamashi_808, Jariii, starrisoulfoxo, luminous_night, RezzyTheGamer, Mijallo, Caco, DesiMars, imuplus, MajiNxx, Chiko, Lucash, Colosoal, NyraKyte, Nowt88, Mec17_12, ReallyRyan, Ermessia, Coldcrystal99, pkluver944
PG55and why should i trust you?
Killergunfuryi can confirm
Killergunfurybut Johto is being worked on
PG55you dont
PG55M37 thats the neat part
dawnishdaysDon't think I'd have the patience to hunt a shiny off single encounters except statics.
Killergunfuryyou dont Active
Diamondseeknot implemented yet
PG55Diamond, if the universe died, there would be nothing to kill you
M37_Activewait how do i unlock johto reigon?
PG55it would be funny
XdotSVi put a shiny walrust on the aucton
PG55id die by jumping of a really high building and falling in some important person
DiamondseekIf I could chose how I would die, it would be by the heat death of the universe itself
Killergunfuryshiny seaguzzle on market
ZeroStarKai ★If I had to choose, instantaneous evaporation
PG55choose one
ZeroStarKai ★My dreams have given me plenty of options
PG55if you could die, how would you?
Killergunfuryi see those 3 starters
KillergunfuryNice cheats sin smh
MaximdracoIs there some ranking for the Battle Towers?
dawnishdaysIt seems they're low priority.
PG55mine is Brasil
Killergunfurymine is Marshmellow
samwichconlimonstill figuring out how to use steam deck
PG55but South Sandwich island is pretty cool too
DiamondseekLost and Found
Killergunfuryyo whats your favorite regions guys
demonycalso eventually silver caps will work, which will also make it easier to have 31uvs without breeding
Killergunfurycan i come to your island diamond?
PG55thats how a conversation works
PG55now answer
PG55yes you are
DiamondseekI am being questioned.
PG55you have an island?
PG55whats the best island of Antartic?
DiamondseekEven without anything official, people would make one themselves
ZeroStarKai ★There IS an elo system (from how many times I beat jd's ass)
MaximdracoAnd some type of ranking or ELO system (I don't know if we have something like that)
demonyclike i care but its not really a priority
DiamondseekIt almost does!
dawnishdaysI mean surely that's on their list of priorities
DiamondseekBut not nearly as much
ZeroStarKai ★Pvp is TECHNICALLY working
DiamondseekI mean, I'm sure someone cares
Diamondseek31IV would only sell well with PvP working
demonycwe would need a ranking system or something for people to actually care about ivs
PG55but wed probably call you Cai
PG55youre still Kai
PG55Kai we still have the Name letter
MaximdracoIVs would sell if someone is interested in them, if no, then no, probably more will be interested in shinies over a 31IV pokemon, until we get breeding
dawnishdaysNatural perfect IV mon without breeding? That's pretty statusing.
ZeroStarKai ★No K? Damn, my name couldn't exist there
PG55Jext can create his own Mew
DiamondseekWhat would people want perfect IV mons for rn?
demonycare you brazilian or portuguese?
Killergunfuryyou dont know that
dawnishdaysCause lord knows how long golden caps will take.
KillergunfuryJext MIGHT buy it
ZeroStarKai ★It's just a normal mew, Jext ain't buying it
dawnishdaysI feel perfect IV could sell for a pretty penny too.
Jayypffffffff my country made it
Diamondseekis it shiny, killer?
PG55or "k"
Killergunfurywish me luck
PG55or "w"
Killergunfuryi sold my mew for 30,000
PG55in fact, we dont have "y" at all
dawnishdaysThat's actually valid.
PG55we dont have so many "y" and "H" here
MaximdracoHey, those extra boxes look interesting
PG55its because portuguese
ZeroStarKai ★Fury, I have 11k left over
DiamondseekSold Mew for premium you mean
dawnishdaysis it because someone made a hilarious typo?
KillergunfuryKai bought premium
PG55here we just call her Cíntia
DiamondseekNow With Funky Mode!
MaximdracoAnd Gandalf the Grey
ZeroStarKai ★Cyn (Sin) thia (thea)
dawnishdaysFeaturing Dante from Devil May Cry
DiamondseekKnuckles (the echidna)