Current users
Jext ★, Mascheny, polioleg, Kazaam1, Papi, Sparkovi, MajiNxx, Cyberfloyd, claush, Golexus20, kyledove ★, darkeryetdarker, Agressive, zaospasmantikaz, chuajiazhi, MK-0, demonfallpoke, Suggarion, Itsbolteyblue, dec65363, Mijallo, pkluver944, Momododo, SpinoGZ, Iglu, SirOtes, Renata413
Albtheres no laws against the pokemon batman
KingKarmathx Diamondseek
FoxMan_FFNow I never have to step foot upon Easter Island again lmao
DiamondseekYou need to get into the mansion, then go back to the taxi guy
KingKarmaI want to leave borovia now
samwichconlimonI caught a pokemon, batman
insumes2025 will absolutely be the year for pokengine
insumesI think we're right before the golden age
samwichconlimonso much progress in the last 2 weeks alone
ViralMagnumTyphloyou missed a few things, but a lot of things are working atm ,so yeah, this is literally pokengine golden age (?)
DiamondseekWelcome! Hope you enjoy!
SilverShadow9341hey guys im new to pokengine i should of tried this game sooner
ViralMagnumTyphloand thank you too!
ViralMagnumTyphloallright, your welcome!
FoxMan_FFIf only this damn Buneary would evolve already
Acrylicfireflyno im good, thank you again!
ViralMagnumTyphloif you're finished then i'm done too!
FoxMan_FFOnly one more Pokemon left and I'll have finished Easter Island!
ViralMagnumTyphlonot gonna keep you busy
ViralMagnumTyphloonly if you need
Acrylicfireflydo you need more trades?
LynxALot11and Gobblin but idk where to get that
LynxALot11I'm so close to catching every pokemon in Borovia, then itll be just evolutions
LynxALot11Ok i just need to keep looking
Acrylicfireflyi need this one too
LynxALot11Is Trawlossus just really rare or is there something i need to do to find it?
ViralMagnumTyphloso we trade them back, right?
angelbeast111ah thank you
XdotSVthe borovia moonstone is in the bottom floor in the cave
jd_123_45bro wait so there was no hub BEFROE 2021
Acrylicfireflythank you :D
angelbeast111you sure that's moon and not dusk?
ViralMagnumTyphlowho wanna trade?
ViralMagnumTyphloim ready for trades on borovia, i had to wait for a few respawns
FoxMan_FFmy bad
FoxMan_FFDammit, I hit enter and accessed the chat again
jd_123_45The backwoods
Acrylicfireflybut after end game you can buy more
jd_123_45like in the back woods
Nhyxelthere is one somewhere
Acrylicfireflythere is one moon stone
jd_123_45but it is at endgame
jd_123_45I think there is
angelbeast111is there no moonstone in borovia
ViralMagnumTyphlooh i read that wrong, my bad!
ViralMagnumTyphlowhat where the other 2??
jd_123_45Thanks sam
samwichconlimonhub. top left
jd_123_45Guys where do I get the third anniversary gift
Acrylicfireflyanyone willing to help me with some trade evos in borovia
BumpaThanks :3
ViralMagnumTyphlosecond could be areca city
ViralMagnumTyphlofirst leaving port it's at totora town
Bumpa Hi question, how do we leave Rica?
Acrylicfireflytop of the backwoods
Acrylicfireflyyou can find it now
LynxALot11Can I find Trawlossus at now or does it have to be night?
Albafter legit hours
Albi finally got a crocoil
ViralMagnumTyphlohum yeah, happens x.x, sorry for your extensive back tracks!
GemWolfZpissed off that i just discovered the shortcut from the manor to the lab right now (beat borovia weeks ago)
dawnishdaysGuess we're back to broken candies.
Araimaif you need to report a bug please go to the discord
insumesare there any mods on?
ViralMagnumTyphlowhat i dislike of trials of mana (i played the snes version) is so linear in progresion, it has backtrack and everything but once you get flammy and you gonna defeat the mana beasts, you can't choose any path, you're forced a lineal path, it would had been cool if they let you choose which beast to slay first
ZeroStarKai ★No, the star is the premium marker
insumeskai are you a mod?
ZeroStarKai ★another pro of snes version: free
Araimapros of SNES version: no charlotte voice
ViralMagnumTyphloi wish you a nice evening araima
ViralMagnumTyphlosounds like a plan!
insumesthe exp candies buggerd out again
AraimaI think after this egg bunch I'mma take a break and play a bit more of the SNES version of Trials of Mana..
Albbro how rare is crocoil
ZeroStarKai ★All but one of his pokemon are weak to poison
ZeroStarKai ★If you ran legit any poison types other than the Nidos during the story you can just beat him with those
MaximdracoNyra, in Retro Kanto, next to Pallete Town, grab that level 100 mew from Celadon Forest and some TMs and done