Current users
Jext ★, OutragousCake, Shokie, MrSleepy, RezzyTheGamer, Pascal5001, Alb, LPpikachu, Multi, RiFoun, ChuckyThePumpkin, AzTech, Sincubus, angstyx, Iglu, Taysuke, TheDrone95, xsweatersx, tetrislicious, Nuget, ILoveCrustle, antoniosafe, Ligemp, Blcklux, Zaxarone, LilMedic, CodeErr, zwrieger, samwichconlimon, Raphix
Icymossspell I C U P ?! !
TheNewKingBretlmao hello gaint Tapir
xsweatersxyou got them in the pallet fields cave right? did you solve the puzzle there>
EonArisenim guessing i need to arrange the unown in a specific order but WHAT
EonArisenso. what do i do now. i have the unown,
Icymosskings lol
Icymosshowdy king
Icymossyooooo snap im ill as well :ok_hand:
TheNewKingBretHey Tapir!
TheNewKingBretlet do some choas now because king is here
xsweatersxHope youre doing well
SincubusI'm doin crimes
xsweatersxHallo my king
Jono1sonI am ill, I cannot misbehave
demonycim not
EonAriseni have eaten my unown cereal
&KingTapiri hope everyone is behaving
DrakfixAny kind soul that could help me trade evolve my Kadabra to Alakazam in retro Kanto? (Cerulean City
TheNewKingBretdont worry about if you dont i think it look cool that all
NixcelpixLet's me see if i have another
TheNewKingBretyea i would
TheNewKingBreti been hunting this gllution with 2786
Nixcelpixyou want the Honey Gather ability?
NixcelpixI have one lets me see i have another
TheNewKingBretby any chance do you have a Bashbee?
Nixcelpix2 hours no shiny yet in effort island
xsweatersxooh also good
NixcelpixI'm here
Icymossill name my one Blended Chalk
TheNewKingBretNix are you on?
xsweatersxpink is superior tho
fushiginoi did. i assume its all the same cept for color
xsweatersxi thought o too
Icymossgood name
xsweatersxwell mine is called Miso Soup
Icymossi always forget to name
xsweatersxyou gotta click on the city on the map
Icymossi didnt lol
Vorngehow do I fly?
xsweatersxicy what did you name your puppy
Vorngesooo uhhh
Icymossdid you get a PUPPY
xsweatersxahhh yeah that happens too sometimessss
fushiginohes also the guy that tells me about the widgets. the map was perfectly over the controls widget lol
EonArisenit's RIGHT THERE
EonArisenthere's water! i can land and surf!!
EonArisenlet me jump off the mfing bridge
xsweatersxim swablu dabadee dabadie
ZeroStarKaiIn cloudia, is the starter random or is it always a swablu?
MR.WASA_BIneed nidoran F
fushiginotook a step too far
xsweatersxthere is also gaps in bridges youre supposed to jump over with C
fushiginothe clown guy that talks to you at first was off
Nixcelpixin the glitch-bugs channel
NixcelpixDasMannequin in the discord
fushiginowell i reloaded too
Icymosswhat xsweatersx said im just a slow typer
DasMannequinfound a gap on harsholme, how do i report
xsweatersxlol im just memeing eon, i havent even started CV. im scared of it
Icymossthen reload the page or /unstuck
EonArisenokay but there's no place to surf other than the one in the first area
xsweatersxhave you tried clicking in your window, refreshing page, or doing /unstuck
fushiginoyeah. not working for the arrows. that is the first thing i tried
xsweatersxwell that too yeah. i shouldnt assume
Icymoss@fushigino its the arrow keys
xsweatersxnow you surf
EonArisenin centennial
EonArisensoooo i got the surf hm. what now
TheNewKingBretnice keep climbing up the ladder
xsweatersxdo a quick /unstuck mate. seeing a lot of bugged first joiners today
fushiginowhich keys let me move. i just logged in lol
xsweatersxnice that shiny catapulted me 200 places upwards in the shiny rankings
EonAriseno was super marshmallow-y
EonArisenmmm. x was small and spicy
Drakfixwhich one tastes better?
EonArisenalphabet soup :)
EonAriseni have eaten all the unowns
Icymossmoltres is happy
Icymossdont think so
Vorngeis stealth rock not working yet?
Icymossrica has a port in the second town
xsweatersxvery nice. first non gold wild shiny