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Pokebioso take blue
Pokebiogreen is blue
MR.WASA_BIred o blue
xsweatersxtime to don the gobblin outfit
xsweatersxits all good homie#
Pokebiooh wait I thought the yellow one was longer apologizes
PokebioI know that
Icymossit comes in 3 colours
Pokebiooh then what is the similar one I see people having in spawn?
xsweatersxmobipup does not evo right now
Pokebiowhen does moltipup evolve
Dino534how do you get a bike?
Whopper223English or painish?S
xsweatersxleft and up, from masnion entrance
ZeroStarKaialright where's the tm seller
xsweatersxall good hope you find him. all of ghost ladies mons were like lv 53 but they were no match for the mighty mighty power offffff sombrero lady
ViralMagnumTyphlohe's probably outside in the rain
xsweatersxi did say the lounge
RezzyTheGamerdipplin guy is not in the library afte rpicking the book lol
ZeroStarKaiy'know I didn't notice it before but HOLY wooper THE COUNT GIVES YOU 400 GRAND
ViralMagnumTyphloi'll train my rats
ViralMagnumTyphlonot anybody fault
xsweatersxdidnt mean to drag it on
xsweatersxsorry Typhlo
Pokebiothanks you too
ViralMagnumTyphloi'm done explaining, have a nice day
xsweatersxokay lol i sweeped her whole team with one singular Sombruja
ViralMagnumTyphloand then the player literally disconected ignoring all the convo
ViralMagnumTyphloand i explained that here are pokemons from the uranium game already
ViralMagnumTyphloall started cause a player that loged off said that it wanted uranium mons in game
ViralMagnumTyphloi didn't said pokengine had one, i said it wrong, pokemon uraium had one
TheNewKingBreti didnt know it had in the past
Pokebioapparently a guy said it had one in the past and they don't want an other one
Pokebiocezases and decist petition
xsweatersxassuming it had one in the past
xsweatersxtheyre asking why pokengine no longer has a dmca charge
TheNewKingBretwas it dmca?
TheNewKingBreti dont get the question
xsweatersxi mean, ciguapos evo
xsweatersxoh god she battles you? all i have is gorsylum and guapita
Pokebioquestion how come pokengien was dmca but isn'"t anymore?
xsweatersxno problem bbgurl
xsweatersxtalk gobblinman, take book from laundry room, talk goblin man in lounge, talk ghost lady
ViralMagnumTyphloi'm done with this topic
RezzyTheGameri dont have a book
ViralMagnumTyphlolet's be grateful for what we already have
xsweatersxyeah stinky go wash
ViralMagnumTyphlopokemon uranium got DCMA, if they port the game in pokengine we can get DCMA too (?)
GemWolfZtime to take a shower and stop wandering lost in the borough for a bit
xsweatersxonce you show him the book in the lounge you talk to candy ghost lady with 10 souls
TheNewKingBretin the shop
TheNewKingBretthe ghost in the sop
RezzyTheGamerwho do you speak to after speaking to gripplin guy?
TheNewKingBret400 then im done for now
Pokebiohow come we aren't anymore?
GemWolfZdigital millenium copyright act. It got in copyright troublr
DrakfixVillage people song
ViralMagnumTyphlocease and decist petition
PokebioI'm sorry what is DMCA
ViralMagnumTyphloi mean pokemon uranium had*
ViralMagnumTyphlopokengine was DCMA, i don't want that they rebuild that game here so we get DCMA as well :eyes:
Pokebiosince we got plenty of fakemon already I hope we can get the region at some point
insumesnucleon clicks hyper voice and just wipes whatever it's looking at
Pokebiothat's so cool that they are in a bigger thing like this
ViralMagnumTyphloand yes, people wanted pokemon uraniums and did not checked (?)
xsweatersxi Was feeling a bit irratiated
xsweatersxah fair
ViralMagnumTyphlomy point: some pokemons from uranium are already ingame, POKEMON URANIUM WAS ALWAYS INSIDE OF YOU
xsweatersxare you showing us all of the uranium mons? i lost the convo for a bit
Pokebioregion pokemon's*
Pokebioyou're telling me a quarter of the region + the type is already in game
TheNewKingBreti have that if need it for the pokedex
Pokebioyou're making it sound like they look like a monster
ViralMagnumTyphlothese are in easter island golden eggs 56042_6dd7f52459d60aca.png
TheNewKingBreti heard the person that made uranium is chill person
jd_123_45with first 2 pokemon
jd_123_45the guards
Pokebioit's great that the uranium pokemons are gettign added progressively
GemWolfZdamn. alright
Drakfixel sexo
ViralMagnumTyphlothis is from borovia which is also in pokemon uranium 56042_d9af04960b8e7bc3.png